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Author: Becky

Prayer Walk: Philippians 4:6 (Week 4)

Prayer Walk: Philippians 4:6 (Week 4)

A Heart Filled With A Verse Prayer Walk Intro (Week 4) Prayer is a habit we build upon. Remember, God is there ready and willing to listen whenever/wherever! The communication line is always opened!! So…PRAY about everything! Throughout the Bible we learn to cast all our cares upon Him. AND…as we do this we learn just how reliable our God really is! The worries of the day really do poof away when we keep our eyes focused on Him. So…PRAY!…

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The One, The King

The One, The King

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart KING OF THE WORLD (a song to fill our hearts with) Do you ever find yourself making God “small”? Trying to fit Him inside the walls of your own mind?!? Or, perhaps you are not recognizing, or have forgotten, just how worthy He truly is? Natalie Grant’s song, King of the World, is relatable. It defines how human perception, of who God is and all He is capable of,…

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Prayer Walk: Matthew 6:6 (Week 3)

Prayer Walk: Matthew 6:6 (Week 3)

A Heart Filled With A Verse Prayer Walk Intro (Week 3) An effective and deepened prayer walk starts with our attitude towards it. It begins with how we embrace it and what we believe the purpose is for it. An intentional prayer walk draws us closer to God, because it’s time spent in conversation with Him!!! Friends, prayer is meant to be intimate and personal. It allows us to be vulnerable in a safe and inviting environment, because… Prayer is…

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Our Father’s Heart

Our Father’s Heart

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart HEART OF THE FATHER (a song to fill our hearts with) There’s just something special about a song that gives praise to God for who He is and all He does. These kind of songs do wonders for a heart!! They add words to the feelings we express when we worship Him. And…the Heart of the Father, by Ryan Ellis, does just that! Our Father’s heart brings life! His…

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Prayer Walk: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (Week 2)

Prayer Walk: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (Week 2)

A Heart Filled With A Verse Prayer Walk Intro (Week 2) A prayer walk keeps our attention focused on God and who He is to us. A deepened prayer walk helps us fully focus on the One who can do all things. So, how do we deepen our prayer walk?? We make sure we are continually praying!! Friends, God is near, always listening. (Psalms 145:18, 1 Peter 3:12) We can be certain He hears our prayers! He is dependable, capable,…

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The Good Shepherd Guides Us

The Good Shepherd Guides Us

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart LEAD ON GOOD SHEPHERD (a song to fill our hearts with) Patrick Mayberry’s song, Lead On Good Shepherd, brings an exciting message to listeners! The song, inspired by Psalms 23, is all about how the Good Shepherd guides us. The Lord is our shepherd! He leads us, restores us, prepares for us a place, and because of His divine care surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the…

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Prayer Walk: Romans 12:12 (Week 1)

Prayer Walk: Romans 12:12 (Week 1)

A Heart Filled With A Verse Prayer Walk Intro (Week 1) If you’ve been around here for a while, you know A Heart Filled is here to help encourage everyone to open up their Bibles and fill their hearts. Friends, it starts with us wanting to dive in!! Whether it be a person seeking out the truth for the very first time, or a seasoned Believer who digs in regularly, there’s always MORE to learn, MORE to glean from –…

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The Cross Was Enough

The Cross Was Enough

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart FLAWLESS (a song to fill our hearts with) I can’t say enough about this song and the message it sends out to the world. It’s the truth we all hear, but can have a hard time coming to terms with – The cross was enough!! As I wrap up my winter studies I thought this song would be a great ending to the finding rest in God’s presence path…

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Eternal Rest – Hebrews 4:3

Eternal Rest – Hebrews 4:3

A Heart Filled With A Verse Eternal Rest In my Life Application Study Bible, chapter 4 of Hebrews is titled “Promised Rest for God’s People”. It’s a short chapter with only 16 verses, so I encourage you to stop real quick and read through the chapter before continuing with this devotion. Besides the key verse for this devotion (Hebrews 4:3), some of the other verses that stand out to me when I read through this chapter are: “God’s promise of…

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Hope Found In God

Hope Found In God

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart SYMPHONY (a song to fill our hearts with) I just want to give a shout out to the writers, singers, composers – everyone involved in making the song, Symphony, come to life. This song came out in 2019 and has had me turn up the volume millions of times in my home and on the road since. Well, maybe not millions…but close to it!! I love everything about this…

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