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Category: A Bible Verse For Rest

Eternal Rest – Hebrews 4:3

Eternal Rest – Hebrews 4:3

A Heart Filled With A Verse Eternal Rest In my Life Application Study Bible, chapter 4 of Hebrews is titled “Promised Rest for God’s People”. It’s a short chapter with only 16 verses, so I encourage you to stop real quick and read through the chapter before continuing with this devotion. Besides the key verse for this devotion (Hebrews 4:3), some of the other verses that stand out to me when I read through this chapter are: “God’s promise of…

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Peace Leads To Rest – John 14:27

Peace Leads To Rest – John 14:27

A Heart Filled With A Verse Peace Leads To Rest Oh my!! I cannot get enough of this Bible verse!! “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27 (NLT) Friends, our Heavenly Father’s gifts are simply the best!! I’m over-the-moon thankful for the peace that only God can supply me with. A Gift of Peace…

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God’s Presence Of Rest – Exodus 33:14

God’s Presence Of Rest – Exodus 33:14

A Heart Filled With A Verse God’s Presence of Rest The conversation between Moses and the Lord, found in Exodus 33:12-23, is a wonderful reminder for all Believers!! During this conversation, Moses needed some assurance and God did not disappoint. He never disappoints!! God’s presence never leaves us. His presence is guaranteed. He is always near by. In order to claim this truth as our own we have to be like Moses! We have to spend time with the Lord….

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Return To Rest – Psalms 116:7

Return To Rest – Psalms 116:7

A Heart Filled With A Verse Return To Rest Bible Verse I couldn’t pick between NKJV and NLT for this verse! I like them both!! Studying them side-by-side helped me gain an even better understanding into what I needed to glean from the words found in this Psalm. Let’s check them out together!! New King James Version Insight First of all, I absolutely love the NKJV wording, “dealt bountifully“! There’s just something about the word bountiful that puts my heart…

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Example Of Rest – Luke 5:16

Example Of Rest – Luke 5:16

A Heart Filled With A Verse Example of Rest The New Testament is such a treasure for the heart! It begins with a glimpse into Jesus’ life, teaching us all about His character and ways. Jesus’ life example shows us how to live while we sojourn through this world. I’m just so thankful I can learn all about Christ’s time while He walked the Earth, and so thankful He shows me the way! One way is PRAYER! Luke 5:16 is…

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Rest To Know The Lord – Exodus 31:15-16

Rest To Know The Lord – Exodus 31:15-16

A Heart Filled With A Verse Rest TO KNOW The Lord The book of Exodus is part of the “LAW” portion of the Bible. It’s in these books of the Bible we learn about God’s standard for living. God has given all Believers instructions on how to live a faithful life, all we have to do is open the Bible and fill our hearts. God wants to guide us, and that’s where we meet up with His instructions found in…

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Blessed Rest – Psalms 34:8

Blessed Rest – Psalms 34:8

A Heart Filled With A Verse Blessed Rest One of the special things God provides fellow Believers is blessed rest!! This is one of those blessings I take for granted. It’s a blessing I don’t always acknowledge. My mind is always racing a million miles an hour. If you read my about page you know I like crazy ventures, I set HUGE goals, and I dream BIG. I constantly keep busy. And, to be honest, this isn’t always good for…

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Our Shepherd Makes Us Rest – Psalm 23:2

Our Shepherd Makes Us Rest – Psalm 23:2

A Heart Filled With A Verse Our Shepherd Makes Us Rest Oh Psalms 23, how I love you!! You are encouragement and comfort for the soul; your words are such a wonderful place to rest in. I grew up memorizing the NKJV translation, but don’t you just love how the NLT translation words verse 2?! “He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams.” Psalms 23:2 (NLT) This verse sets the stage for such a relaxing…

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Rest With Jesus Moment – Psalm 62:5-8

Rest With Jesus Moment – Psalm 62:5-8

A Heart Filled With A Verse A Rest With Jesus Moment In Psalms 62 David shares with us a great example of a rest with Jesus moment that’s totally worth checking out. “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at…

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Restful Shelter – Psalms 91:1

Restful Shelter – Psalms 91:1

A Heart Filled With A Verse Restful Shelter God is where we find the restful shelter our souls need! What comfort this verse is to my heart! What about you? It’s reminding us that when we draw near to God, dwelling in His presence and putting our complete trust in the Most High, our Almighty God is where we find complete and full rest!! When we choose to abide in Christ, we gain His divine rest. It’s a rest full…

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