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Category: New Testament

Fill your heart with Bible verses found in the New Testament!

A Holy Birth – Luke 2:7

A Holy Birth – Luke 2:7

A Heart Filled With A Verse For Christmas A HOLY BIRTH Luke 2:7 – Best birth announcement ever!!! Luke 2 was a chapter I was blessed to hear each and every Christmas growing up. It’s a chapter I’m so glad my kids now know and I pray it will be a chapter they continue filling their hearts with as each Christmas comes and goes. It’s such a special chapter in the Bible, and verse 7 speaks volumes about the night…

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O, What A Star – Matthew 2:10

O, What A Star – Matthew 2:10

A Heart Filled With A Verse For Christmas O, What A Star Do you ever start reading the Bible and get SO EXCITED, and the more you dig the MORE EXCITED you get?! Then you find yourself pouring out all your excitement into worship? This verse does that for me! By the time I make it to this verse, as I’m studying the birth of Jesus, I’m already overflowing with an abundance of joy. Then I read, “When they saw…

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Best Gift Ever – Luke 2:10-11

Best Gift Ever – Luke 2:10-11

A Heart Filled With A Verse For Christmas Best Gift Ever The birth of Jesus was the best gift ever, friends! I love reading about it. It’s a story I reread over and over again, and never grow tired of hearing. It’s a joyous story about God’s greatest gift. If you’ve never read it, or it’s been a hot minute, make sure to take some time this Christmas season and read it for yourself. (Luke 1 & 2, Matthew 1…

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Joyful News For Christmas – Luke 1:30-31

Joyful News For Christmas – Luke 1:30-31

A Heart Filled With A Verse For Christmas Joyful News For Christmas The Christmas story is found in the New Testament. A story of Jesus’ birth! O, rejoice! It all started with a special visit from an angel! (Luke 1:26-28) In Luke 1:30-31, we find Gabriel has given Mary some life-changing news. She was pregnant?! Being a virgin, this was news she didn’t understand. (Luke 1:34) And then Gabriel goes on to tell her she would be the mother of…

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Enduring Trials – James 1:12

Enduring Trials – James 1:12

A Heart Filled With A Verse Enduring Trials James 1:12 is comfort for the soul! We all face trials, hardship, and pain. It can be devastating, unbearable, and so hard. At times we might feel like giving up. I mean after all, walking away and retreating into our own self-pity sounds easier than picking ourselves up and fighting through it. But that’s not what God designed us to do, because we were created in His image! When we walk these…

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Live Out Love – Romans 12:9

Live Out Love – Romans 12:9

A Heart Filled With A Verse For the full context of this Bible verse read the whole section in Romans. Romans 12:9-21 “9Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice…

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Lean on Jesus – Matthew 11:28

Lean on Jesus – Matthew 11:28

A Heart Filled With A Verse Lean on Jesus Jesus speaks these words found in Matthew 11:28. He goes on in verses 29 & 30 to say, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” THIS IS COMFORT!!! Life can really wear a person down. Burdens can weigh heavy on the soul. Rest…

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