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Category: Old Testament

Fill your heart with Bible verses found in the Old Testament!

Renewing Scripture: Daniel – Part 2

Renewing Scripture: Daniel – Part 2

Let’s revive our hearts and minds with some renewing scripture found in the Major Prophets! Daniel is the last book in the Major Prophets section of the Old Testament. If you missed my Renewing Scripture posts for the other books make sure to check them out HERE! The book of Daniel shows us just how much God works in and through those that walk faithfully by His side. God is sovereign over everything, and because of this I rejoice. The…

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Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6

Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6

A Heart Filled With A Verse For Christmas Prince of Peace Oh how I love this Bible verse! It speaks volumes about Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer – THE PRINCE OF PEACE! Jesus, God in human form, came to the world as a baby boy, born of a virgin (Read Luke 1:26-37 & 2:1-20 for the full story of Jesus’ birth!), and that is why we celebrate the Christmas season. Christmas is a time to rejoice over God’s gift to…

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To Be Thankful – 1 Chronicles 16:34

To Be Thankful – 1 Chronicles 16:34

A Heart Filled With A Verse To Be Thankful God gives us so much to be thankful for, all we have to do is take the time to stop and think about it. His blessings never cease because He loves us!! A heart filled with gratitude makes a world of difference, so make sure to stop and think about all the goodness He lavishes upon you and… “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures…

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Trust In The Lord – Proverbs 16:20

Trust In The Lord – Proverbs 16:20

A Heart Filled With A Verse Trust In The Lord As I was studying this Bible verse I noticed each translation gives a little more insight. Check this out! HOW AWESOME IS THE BIBLE!?! So after checking out the different translations I came to this conclusion: I need to make sure I’m LISTENING, UNDERSTANDING, and THINKING about God’s Word often! Daily! ALL the time! And when I make this conscience effort and allow the Lord to guide and direct me…

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Better Than Gold & Silver – Proverbs 16:16

Better Than Gold & Silver – Proverbs 16:16

A Heart Filled With A Verse Better Than Gold & Silver I love this Bible verse! It really shows how precious gaining wisdom is for God’s children. A Christian’s walk should continually grow closer and closer to God. Seeking out wisdom allows this growth to steadily make progress in God’s direction! With wisdom comes understanding, and the more wisdom a Christian gains the more their life changes… FOR THE BEST!! Proverbs is THE BOOK for “all-things-wisdom”! Check out what it…

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Tears Lead To Joy – Psalms 126:5

Tears Lead To Joy – Psalms 126:5

A Heart Filled With A Verse Tears Lead to Joy! I was recently reminded of this verse in a season of overflowing tears. Oh, how my momma heart ached and the tears just kept coming. I LOVE how God speaks to me, and this was one of those times He came in like a soothing gush of wind and stirred my soul. It hurts to see a loved one hurting and sometimes a good cry is the best medicine. I…

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Be Still – Psalms 46:10

Be Still – Psalms 46:10

A Heart Filled With A Verse Be Still When you hear the words be still do you really take to heart what the verse is saying? Have you experienced the Holy Spirit’s calming presence flood over you lately? How long has it been since you lingered in a tranquil moment God graced you with? Oh, to be still! It’s such a simple process that tends to be overlooked more often than it should. If we just took the time each…

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