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Category: Bible Verses

Our Shepherd Makes Us Rest – Psalm 23:2

Our Shepherd Makes Us Rest – Psalm 23:2

A Heart Filled With A Verse Our Shepherd Makes Us Rest Oh Psalms 23, how I love you!! You are encouragement and comfort for the soul; your words are such a wonderful place to rest in. I grew up memorizing the NKJV translation, but don’t you just love how the NLT translation words verse 2?! “He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams.” Psalms 23:2 (NLT) This verse sets the stage for such a relaxing…

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Inward Beauty – 1 Peter 3:4

Inward Beauty – 1 Peter 3:4

1 Peter 3:4 emphasizes the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, treasured by God. A person’s inward beauty, reflecting a heart transformed by God, surpasses superficial aesthetics. True beauty, shaped by the fear of the Lord and infused with biblical truths, begins inward and is seen by God, who does not judge by external appearance.

Rest With Jesus Moment – Psalm 62:5-8

Rest With Jesus Moment – Psalm 62:5-8

A Heart Filled With A Verse A Rest With Jesus Moment In Psalms 62 David shares with us a great example of a rest with Jesus moment that’s totally worth checking out. “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at…

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The Importance Of Rest – Mark 6:31a

The Importance Of Rest – Mark 6:31a

A Heart Filled With A Verse The Importance Of Rest I love that as I read through the Gospels I’m reminded that Jesus took time to rest – physical, spiritual, and mental rest! Jesus’ ministry on Earth kept Him busy, kept His disciples busy. It was a good busy, a joy-filled busy, an important busy. But, amidst all the amazing work they were doing Jesus knew the importance of, and embraced, solitude. In Mark 6:31, we find that Jesus is…

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Restful Shelter – Psalms 91:1

Restful Shelter – Psalms 91:1

A Heart Filled With A Verse Restful Shelter God is where we find the restful shelter our souls need! What comfort this verse is to my heart! What about you? It’s reminding us that when we draw near to God, dwelling in His presence and putting our complete trust in the Most High, our Almighty God is where we find complete and full rest!! When we choose to abide in Christ, we gain His divine rest. It’s a rest full…

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Jesus Gives Us Rest – Matthew 11:28

Jesus Gives Us Rest – Matthew 11:28

A Heart Filled With A Verse – Rest Series A Stressful Heart Turned Restful A stressful heart turned restful is what our souls seek, yet the world around us just keeps spinning faster and faster. Trying to keep up with the pressures of life can leave a heart stressed beyond it’s limits. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus is reminding us He’s where the rest is. And, if we take the time to bask in His glory we find the rest our…

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Christmas Bible Verses From Luke – Week 4

Christmas Bible Verses From Luke – Week 4

(Already read the first 3 WEEKS and wanna jump down to the Bible verse list for WEEK 4? CLICK HERE) I’m reading the book of Luke during December, and just wrapped up the last chapters reading plans. (Luke 22-24) I wanted to share some of the scripture here. The previous lists include 1 verse for each chapter, but since there’s only 3 chapters left I decided why not add a few extra! After all, it’s hard for me to just…

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A Holy Birth – Luke 2:7

A Holy Birth – Luke 2:7

A Heart Filled With A Verse For Christmas A HOLY BIRTH Luke 2:7 – Best birth announcement ever!!! Luke 2 was a chapter I was blessed to hear each and every Christmas growing up. It’s a chapter I’m so glad my kids now know and I pray it will be a chapter they continue filling their hearts with as each Christmas comes and goes. It’s such a special chapter in the Bible, and verse 7 speaks volumes about the night…

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Christmas Bible Verses From Luke – Week 3

Christmas Bible Verses From Luke – Week 3

(Already read WEEK 1 & 2 and wanna jump down to the Bible verse list for WEEK 3? CLICK HERE) I’m reading the book of Luke during December, and just wrapped up the third week’s reading plans. (Luke 15-21) I wanted to share some of the scripture here. I’ll be including one scripture reference for each of the chapters I read during the week. As you read through the list, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and be ready…

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O, What A Star – Matthew 2:10

O, What A Star – Matthew 2:10

A Heart Filled With A Verse For Christmas O, What A Star Do you ever start reading the Bible and get SO EXCITED, and the more you dig the MORE EXCITED you get?! Then you find yourself pouring out all your excitement into worship? This verse does that for me! By the time I make it to this verse, as I’m studying the birth of Jesus, I’m already overflowing with an abundance of joy. Then I read, “When they saw…

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