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Category: Bible Verses

Trust In The Lord – Proverbs 16:20

Trust In The Lord – Proverbs 16:20

A Heart Filled With A Verse Trust In The Lord As I was studying this Bible verse I noticed each translation gives a little more insight. Check this out! HOW AWESOME IS THE BIBLE!?! So after checking out the different translations I came to this conclusion: I need to make sure I’m LISTENING, UNDERSTANDING, and THINKING about God’s Word often! Daily! ALL the time! And when I make this conscience effort and allow the Lord to guide and direct me…

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Better Than Gold & Silver – Proverbs 16:16

Better Than Gold & Silver – Proverbs 16:16

A Heart Filled With A Verse Better Than Gold & Silver I love this Bible verse! It really shows how precious gaining wisdom is for God’s children. A Christian’s walk should continually grow closer and closer to God. Seeking out wisdom allows this growth to steadily make progress in God’s direction! With wisdom comes understanding, and the more wisdom a Christian gains the more their life changes… FOR THE BEST!! Proverbs is THE BOOK for “all-things-wisdom”! Check out what it…

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Renewing Scripture: The Book Of Isaiah

Renewing Scripture: The Book Of Isaiah

This fall I wanted to dive into some renewing scripture, and so I decided to read through the Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. I’m on a mission to dive in deep and allow God to fill me up with ALL the encouraging and strengthening words found in these 5 books of the Bible, and so I’m spending every spare moment I get opening my Bible up and digging in! WHY FALL?! With every season change comes new…

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Renewing Scripture: Isaiah – Part 3

Renewing Scripture: Isaiah – Part 3

Fall is a great time to focus on renewing our hearts and minds and the Major Prophets are a great place to find some renewing scripture! The first of five books that make up the Major Prophets is Isaiah. So that’s where I started my fall reading this year! I thought I’d share some of the renewing scripture the Holy Spirit has been stirring my heart with as I read through this super deep, intense, amazing book in hopes you…

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Renewing Scripture: Isaiah – Part 2

Renewing Scripture: Isaiah – Part 2

Fall is a great time to focus on renewing our hearts and minds and the Major Prophets are a great place to find some renewing scripture! The first of five books that make up the Major Prophets is Isaiah. So that’s where I started my fall reading this year! I thought I’d share some of the renewing scripture the Holy Spirit has been stirring my heart with as I read through this super deep, intense, amazing book in hopes you…

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Renewing Scripture: Isaiah – Part 1

Renewing Scripture: Isaiah – Part 1

Fall is a great time to focus on renewing our hearts and minds and the Major Prophets are a great place to find some renewing scripture! The first of five books that make up the Major Prophets is Isaiah. So that’s where I started my fall reading this year! I thought I’d share some of the renewing scripture the Holy Spirit has been stirring my heart with as I read through this super deep, intense, amazing book in hopes you…

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A Mind Renewed – Romans 12:1-2

A Mind Renewed – Romans 12:1-2

A Heart Filled With A Verse A Mind Renewed In Romans 12:1-2 Paul’s letting us in on a little secret, that’s not so secret – God renews us! It’s up to us though. We can choose to allow the Holy Spirit to renew and redirect our hearts and souls – or not! With a mind renewed we can live a life that honors our Heavenly Father. It’s all about walking the walk, friends. Being firmly planted in our faith and…

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Inward Renewal – 2 Corinthians 4:16

Inward Renewal – 2 Corinthians 4:16

A Heart Filled With A Verse Inward Renewal My most favorite time of the year is finally here! As each season passes, with changes that slip beautifully into place by the hands of God, it’s a great reminder that we too can allow our Heavenly Father to make wonder-working changes in our lives. I like to think of fall as a time of renewal, where we are allowed to settle into a new, cozier routine and hopefully, by the grace…

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Peace For Our Hearts – John 14:27

Peace For Our Hearts – John 14:27

A Heart Filled With A Verse Peace For Our Hearts Only through the Holy Spirit’s mighty work in our hearts can we truly experience the divine peace Jesus is talking about in this verse.  Check out what my Life Application Study Bible notes have to say about this verse…  “The end result of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives is deep and lasting peace.  Unlike worldly peace, which is usually defined as the absence of conflict, this (GOD’S) peace…

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The Greatest Search – Deuteronomy 4:29

The Greatest Search – Deuteronomy 4:29

A Heart Filled With A Verse The Greatest Search I enjoy reading through the book of Deuteronomy! It’s filled with treasured reminders that help me stay on track, and Deuteronomy 4:29 is one of them. In chapter 4 of Deuteronomy we find Moses having a chat with the Israelites about obeying God. When we get to verse 29 he’s in the middle of warning the Israelites to be careful of idolatry and not to break their covenant with the Lord….

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