Christmas Bible Verses From Luke – Week 4

Christmas Bible Verses From Luke – Week 4

(Already read the first 3 WEEKS and wanna jump down to the Bible verse list for WEEK 4? CLICK HERE)

I’m reading the book of Luke during December, and just wrapped up the last chapters reading plans. (Luke 22-24) I wanted to share some of the scripture here. The previous lists include 1 verse for each chapter, but since there’s only 3 chapters left I decided why not add a few extra! After all, it’s hard for me to just pick one from each chapter. There’s just so much amazingness found in the book of Luke!

As you read through the list, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and be ready to receive the words God wants you to hear. Here’s a few things to focus on:

  • Be Present
  • Be Inspired
  • Be Merry
  • Be Filled

Inspiration from each of the Gospels!

The Book of Luke Christmas Bible Reading Plan - Be Present (A Heart Filled Blog)

“‘and they shall call His name Immanuel’ which means, God with us.” MATTHEW 1:23b (ESV)

As we read through scripture God is there speaking to us! He’s fully present – He is with us! AND, there’s power in His Word. Let’s present ourselves alert and ready to receive all He wants to lay upon our hearts. Set aside the distractions of your day and give God some fully present time.

“‘The time promised by God has come at last!” He (Jesus) announced. ‘The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!'” MARK 1:15 (NLT)

Open your heart and be inspired, friends! The Good News is what keeps our hearts beating to God’s drum! When we open up our Bibles, and read God’s Word, the Holy Spirit will stir our hearts if we allow Him to. Trust and believe! The words found in the Bible are just what our hearts so desperately need. So, make sure to spend some quality time with your Heavenly Father each day.

The Book of Luke Christmas Bible Reading Plan - Be Inspired (A Heart Filled Blog)
The Book of Luke Christmas Bible Reading Plan - Be Merry (A Heart Filled Blog)

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!'” LUKE 2:13-14 (ESV)

Let’s rejoice with the angels! The birth of Jesus was a miracle. The birth of Jesus was the greatest gift! Delight in all Jesus has done around, in, and for you. His presence is where we find the real joy and peace.

“But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn – not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.” JOHN 1:12-13 (NLT)

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we are reborn, friends! It’s our invitation for the Holy Spirit to move on in. AND, once that happens He fills us up, each and every day! All we have to do is ask. So, let’s open our hearts and be 100% in!

The Book of Luke Christmas Bible Reading Plan - Be Filled (A Heart Filled Blog)

A Christmas Story to Fill Your Heart With!

The Book of Luke is a great book of the Bible to fill your heart with during Christmas, as it includes the most details about Jesus’ birth. It’s also filled to the brim with all the goodness of His life while on earth – bonus content!! Pair these two together and it’s the makings for a perfect Christmas-time read! I’ve enjoyed reading through the book each year, and love recommending it to others. Wanna get started with a great yearly tradition, check out the Bible Reading Plan HERE, for more details.

Enjoy the scripture that details the life of Jesus – Immanuel, God with us!

Luke Chapters 22-24 Scripture

These last 3 chapters of Luke are where we find the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. The reason behind why we celebrate Christmas each year. Jesus came to earth, as a babe in the manger, for a purpose far greater than Mary and Joseph could have ever imagined.

Jesus, Immanuel, came to save us all!

He’s the King of all the Earth!

Jesus is our Savior and Lord!

[All scripture reference in this post have been taken from the English Standard Version (ESV), unless otherwise noted.] 

  • A Plot to Kill Jesus –

“And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to put Him to death, for they feared the people.” LUKE 22:2

  • The Prophecy About Jesus, ALL TRUTH –

“For the time has come for this prophecy about Me to be fulfilled: ‘He was counted among the rebels.’ Yes, everything written about Me by the prophets will come true.” LUKE 22:37 (NLT)

  • Jesus Being Mocked –

“And Herod with his soldiers treated Him with contempt and mocked Him. Then, arraying Him in splendid clothing, he sent Him back to Pilate.” LUKE 23:11

  • Jesus’ Crucifixion and Forgiving Heart –

“And when they came to the pace that is called The Skull, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one of His right and one on His left. And Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.'” LUKE 23:33-34

  • Jesus’ Last Breath on the Cross –

“Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!’ And having said this He breathed His last.” LUKE 23:46

  • Jesus Is Alive –

“While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling apparel. And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, ‘Why do yo seek the living among the dead?’ He is not here, but has risen. Remember how He told you, while He was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of the sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.” LUKE 24:4-7

  • Jesus’ Ascension | Jesus IS Alive and Reigning in Heaven –

“And He led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up His hands He blessed them. While He blessed them, He parted from them and was carried up into Heaven.” LUKE 24:50-51

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