Delight In God’s Word – Jeremiah 15:16

Delight In God’s Word – Jeremiah 15:16

A Heart Filled With A Verse

A heart filled!


“When I discovered Your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my HEART’S delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies.” Jeremiah 15:16 (NLT)

Delight in God’s Word

Have you ever experienced a thirst for God’s Word that set you out on a mission to devour them? If you haven’t, I challenge you to start reading your Bible daily. The more you read, the more you’ll thirst, and the more you’ll DELIGHT in His Word!

I really enjoy diving in deeper when I read Scripture, and love to explore the reference verses that are included in my Bible. After reading Jeremiah’s words in 15:16 it lead me down a rabbit hole and I was brought to a verse David wrote in Psalms. Check out what he says about God’s Word!

“They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold.
They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb.”

Psalms 19:10 (NLT)

Can you relate to God’s Word being more desirable than gold?! When we open up the Bible and allow God to fill our hearts with His Word it revives us! It’s a priceless treasure worth seeking!

Along our treasure-seeking journey we get to know God personally and we begin to understand just how much He loves and cares for us. Remember, the Bible is there to help us grow closer to our Heavenly Father. It’s such a helpful guide, filled with so many great gems.

delight in God's Word, a treasure worth seeking

Take delight in God’s Word!

It’s through our Bible hunt that leads to the most magnificent of treasures: God’s joy! There’s nothing else that compares to His joy, and once it hits our heart we can truly delight in all He wants to fill us up with.

THIS, my friends, is A HEART FILLED!

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