Don’t Chase The Wind

Don’t Chase The Wind

A Heart Filled Homeschool REALity Chat

“Homeschooling runs deep in my blood and hits my TOP 5 list of things I LOVE chatting about!”


Don’t Chase The Wind!

Don’t chase the wind is a concept we read about in the book of Ecclesiastes. It’s a concept that speaks volumes to me now that our family has crossed the homeschool finish line.

Hi! My name is Becky, and I have a confession to make…

I’m the homeschool mom that would fill her planner with all there was to offer.

Homeschooling REALity Tip - Don't Chase The Wind As You Plan!

I’m the homeschool mom that wanted to conquer it all plus give my kids the space they needed to grow and learn and hopefully foster the most amazing love for the things they explored along the way. To put it plainly, for me…

The homeschool journey was

a lesson in the making,

and a huge balancing act of sorts.

In fact, balance was a concept I struggled with, yet at times I felt like I was rocking it pretty well, and then there were other times where I flat out ignored it. I’m a dreamer, planner, researcher, wanna-get-it-all-in-now kind of gal. But, along the journey of homeschooling I learned that my thoughts, plans, and dreams of what our homeschool days would look like weren’t always going to pan out. In fact, they weren’t always where God intended our family to be!

Through the years God worked on me, teaching me that chasing after Him was essential – priority actually! And, whenever I fully embraced this concept, leaned into Him, and let Him take control it was the breath of fresh air I so desperately needed!

Homeschooling REALity Tip - Don't chase the wind, allow God to lead your path.

Chasing After God Frees Us!

So, how does this tie into the book of Ecclesiastes?! Well, while most of our homeschooling adventures were fun, filled up our memory bucket, gave us extra time spent with friends, and even sparked some new hobbies, the reality is they weren’t always part of God’s plan and honestly kept us way too busy! Busy is exhausting and being way too busy can make us loose sight of the grander picture.

“I observed everything going on under the sun, and really, it is all meaningless – like chasing the wind.”

Ecclesiastes 1:14 (NLT)

There were definitely times I felt like I was chasing the wind! Like I was running a never-ending race to stay the course of my planner instead of my Planner!! Get what I’m saying here?? God, He’s the only Planner I should have been following along the homeschool journey, yet at times I lost sight of what mattered most and fell into the let’s conquer the world trap! An easy trap, especially if you live in an area full of homeschool opportunity – which we did! And, remember how I mentioned I’m a planner, researcher, etc., etc…well, I really enjoyed planning field trips, classes, activities – all the works – for our homeschool community. Which added even more to our schedule!

Homeschooling REALity Tip - Don't Chase The Wind

Fill Your Heart!

I’m writing this to remind all of you amazing homeschool mommas it’s ok to let go! God doesn’t want us chasing the wind! There will always be plenty of wonderful opportunities for your kids to explore, learn, and grow. Remember, though, the homeschool years fly by and it’s not about quantity…it’s about quality. Trust in God’s guidance along the journey! Keep your eyes focused on your Divine Planner, allow Him to lay out the course for your homeschool days, embrace building that solid foundation your kids need to navigate this world, and…

Don’t chase the wind!

A Heart Filled Homeschool REALity Chat - Fill your heart!

I want these chats to be quick, because I know you’re in the thick of it and a “quick” moment is all you really have…if that! But before I say good-bye, I thought I’d mention my family had the pleasure of taking part in classes, book clubs, and various programs that enriched our homeschool days and were totally worth the time, energy, and exhaustion.

With this being said, I’m not discouraging you from taking part in the homeschool opportunities offered in your area. I’m just throwing a word of caution out as I know how easy it is to veer off the course God has paved for your homeschool journey. And, once you get sucked in, chasing the wind is inevitable!

This is just your friendly reminder to keep God at the center of your homeschool journey, chase after Him…not the wind, give your kids time to grow in their relationship with their Heavenly Father, and let go of the meaningless!

“Now go rock your homeschool day!”


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