God Carries Us

God Carries Us

A Heart Filled With A Song

Comfort - God carries us!

Secure Embrace

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV)


A Song In Our Heart

I Will Carry You (a song to fill our hearts with)

Through your darkest night,

When you’re terrified,

I will carry you.

When the waters rise,

When your hope runs dry,

I will carry you.

-Ellie Holcomb, lyrics from “I Will Carry You”

Ellie Holcomb’s song, I Will Carry You (released in 2021), is a message of comfort and truth. The lyrics of this song reassure us that God carries us! He is our shield, He’s by our side, and He’s not going anywhere…no matter what. When I hear this song I’m uplifted and I know without a doubt God’s there carrying me through. If you haven’t heard it yet, make sure to take a moment and look it up.

I love listening to this song, and God always knows the perfect time I need to hear it. I know what it means to “can’t keep going“, and that’s why this song is so uplifting to me. It’s one of those songs that happens to play when I’m hurting, anxious, or troubled and really tugs on my heartstrings. And, when I say “happens” I mean it’s ALL GOD making it happen! He knows our hearts and His timing is such soothing comfort.

Let’s fill our hearts with this song believing…

God carries us! Our Comforter, picks us up when we’re down. He won’t walk away from us. His arms are open-wide and we can fall into His secure embrace as often as we need to. Like the song says, He does chose us time and time again. He will NEVER forsake us. What a reassuring message this song is filled with!

REFERENCES: Song Title-I Will Carry You, Author-Ellie Holcomb, Publish Date-2021

Music is so good for the soul. So keep in step! Fill your hearts with a song and walk by faith!

A Heart Filled With A Song Is All About…


Songs are one of the amazing ways God speaks to us. There’s just something special about a moment like this! It’s in these moments, when the lyrics touch our heart in a special way, that we can stand assured He is near. Songs have a way of uplifting my soul, and I pray you are able to find some joy in the ones I share. Walk by faith knowing He lifts us up and keeps us moving.

I have a song in my heart, and because of this, a beat in my step!


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