He Fills Me With Wonder – SUNRISES & SUNSETS
Sunrises & Sunsets
When was the last time you were up early enough to see the sun rise? Or, been outside in the evening when the sun goes down? The views that slowly saturate the sky are spectacular! Sunrises and sunsets are filled with such beauty, amazement, and wonder. I’m talking about a sky full of color that could only be orchestrated by God’s own hands, and He blesses us with these views twice a day!! Yes!! Twice a day, every single day, all year long! What a marvel!
God’s Majestic Handiwork
Oh, the joyful rise and set of the sun that brings shades of color only God can paint across the sky. Showing-off all His wonder and displaying His intricate care for detail. What a majestic symphony of hues that God stretches across the sky for us to enjoy!! The eloquent blended pastels, the vivid glowing warm radiance of a mixture of bright peaceful boldness, it all spills forth leaving a heart filled with indescribable joy. A joy that comes from God alone!
There is beauty in every single sunrise and sunset! The array of colors that spreads across the vast space between Heaven and Earth comes and goes each day, and if we don’t take the time to stop and look up we miss out. Twice a day God blesses us with this incomparable beauty, giving us a chance to stand in awe of His artistic ways being mesmerized by the newness He brings with each rising and setting of the sun.
Friends, this is what a heart filled with wonder and amazement looks like!
Let God fill you with wonder. Look up! The sun rises and sets with purpose filled full of harmonious beauty. Stand in awe of His majestic, ever-changing, perfectly painted canvas, knowing He holds the whole world in His beautiful, mighty hands.
Oh, how God fills me with wonder!
Bible Facts – Sunrises & Sunsets
Before you head outside to soak in the views of the sky how about we open up our Bibles and fill up on some Scripture that revolves around the sun!
“But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day.”
Proverbs 4:18 (ESV)
Friends, the more we dig into His Word the brighter and brighter our path will become! It’s a path set forth by our Creator, from the beginning of time. A path He so wants each and every one of us to be traveling on! So, let’s allow the light to flood in. Let’s open up our Bibles and get to digging!!
The Bible is packed with Scripture that tells of His wonderful Creation! The sun, moon, stars, oceans, lands, trees, plants, animals, humans – ALL OF IT – has purpose. So, let’s look at some Bible truths that shed some light into how the sun fits into God’s grand plan! As we dive in, not only will we find some important facts about the sun, but we’ll also find out that sunrises and sunsets remind Believers all across the world how they get to live out each of their days.
God created the sun with a purpose and it plays an important part! (Genesis 1:14-19)
God perfected a flawless plan for the sun! (Ecclesiastes 1:5)
God shines forth in the same spectacular radiance the sun brings to each morning! (2 Samuel 23:4)
God created sunsets to end our days with reviving beauty, as they are a reminder that a new day is to come. (Leviticus 22:7)
God created sunrises and sunsets for His glory! (Malachi 1:11)
God created sunshine as a reminder we too can shine bright like Him! (Matthew 13:43)
God is really amazing! He took such great care in designing each and every piece of creation and we get to enjoy it all. What a blessing!!
The sun is just one of the many wonders God blesses our days with. His beauty is on display all around and we get to soak it all in. Dawn and/or dusk is the perfect time to step outside, look up, and enjoy an art show like none other!! With every sunrise and sunset God doesn’t disappoint! The feelings that surround these moments will make a heart leap with praise. A joyful praise for the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Creator of sunrises and sunsets!!
“From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!”
Psalms 113:3 (ESV)
Have you thanked God for the sun lately?
Are you ready to be filled full of joyful praise? Take time to soak in God’s blessing each morning and night because sunrises and sunsets are a beautiful beginning and ending to each one of our days here on Earth! As you stand in awe of His beauty, be thankful for all the wonder God fills your heart with and lift up a prayer with gratitude. Thank Him for the ever-changing vibrant, yet calming, colors He paints the sky with.
No matter the day, no matter the storm, no matter the season there will always be a beautiful sunrise AND sunset that shows up! So, let these magnificent marvels, that flood the sky, be our reminder that God is always near, because the sun will come forth each day to shine upon us!
Stand in awe of God’s Wonders!
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