Search Results for: god's love

Shine Bright For Jesus – Devotion 4

Hey readers! Already been reading this series of devotions? Click here to skip the intro. Shine Bright Devotion 4 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 “For God, who said, ‘Let there be light in the darkness,’ has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.  We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.  This…

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A Heart Hunt

Let’s go on a HEART HUNT together! Did you know a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior is all about a HEART MATTER?! Everything we do, say, and are flows from our hearts. The Bible is filled with abounding wisdom that helps get our hearts in shape for what matters most, and it’s vital for us to get down to the core of it all in order to fully understand just how important our hearts really are. God’s Word…

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Tears Lead To Joy – Psalms 126:5

A Heart Filled With A Verse Tears Lead to Joy! I was recently reminded of this verse in a season of overflowing tears. Oh, how my momma heart ached and the tears just kept coming. I LOVE how God speaks to me, and this was one of those times He came in like a soothing gush of wind and stirred my soul. It hurts to see a loved one hurting and sometimes a good cry is the best medicine. I…

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My Go-To Momma Prayer Devotional

Devotion time is sacred for me. It’s something I look forward to each day. There’s just something special about taking the time each day to sit with my Lord and Savior. I love opening my heart to all He wants to fill it with. I have lots to learn during this time with God, and there’s always room to grow. Throughout the years I’ve been introduced to some great devotional books. You might even say I’m a collector of such…

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God Is There For Us – Psalms 3:3-5

“No circumstance, person, or difficulty can stop the plans and the promises of God.” David Jeremiah The Bible is full of God’s encouraging promises. Let’s take a peek at how GOD PROMISES TO BE THERE FOR US! God is near and always there for us! This promise is the comfort I need to muster through the hardest of days and the joy I feel on the best of days. Because of this promise I have peace and can endure with…

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Be Still – Psalms 46:10

A Heart Filled With A Verse Be Still When you hear the words be still do you really take to heart what the verse is saying? Have you experienced the Holy Spirit’s calming presence flood over you lately? How long has it been since you lingered in a tranquil moment God graced you with? Oh, to be still! It’s such a simple process that tends to be overlooked more often than it should. If we just took the time each…

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God Carries Us

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart I Will Carry You (a song to fill our hearts with) Through your darkest night, When you’re terrified, I will carry you. When the waters rise, When your hope runs dry, I will carry you. -Ellie Holcomb, lyrics from “I Will Carry You” Ellie Holcomb’s song, I Will Carry You (released in 2021), is a message of comfort and truth. The lyrics of this song reassure us that God…

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Solid Foundation

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart If The Lord Builds The House (a song to fill our hearts with) The words in this song are a powerful message for us all. It’s all about a house built on God! Have you heard this song before? If you haven’t, make sure to look it up. It’s a song of hope! There’s so much energy in this song, and I love the assurance it floods my heart…

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“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!” Psalms 95:1-2 (ESV) I love jamming out to music! No matter what kind of day I’m having music always makes it better. There’s always a song in my heart and, because of that, a beat in my step. It can…

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Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan

The Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan is simple! Read one chapter in the morning and one chapter at night. As you get filled, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and be ready to receive the words God wants you to hear. Focus on these four things as you read: A good study Bible is a great tool to have! If you have the right one, it will help you understand more clearly what you are reading so…

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