Search Results for: god's love

Psalms: Chapters 1-10

So many wonderful Bible verses can be found in the book of Psalms! Verses to meditate on, inspire and uplift a soul, and get a heart pumping full of majestic joy. AND…I wanted to share the ones that speak truth into my heart, fill me up with gladness, and keep me singing praise to the King of kings. Although, I do highly recommend each heart take the time needed to journey through this book of the Bible on their own…

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Songs About Jesus (Playlist 1)

A Heart Filled With A Playlist SONGS ABOUT JESUS (Have you already read some of my playlist posts? CLICK HERE to SKIP PAST THE INTRO and head straight to the playlist.) A Heart Filled With Praise – Kickoff to Summer I love how Christian music continues to flourish, as more and more Christian artists hit the stage and sing praise to Jesus the King. Friends, music is so, so good for the soul!! Filling our hearts full of worship music…

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Mighty Power

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart YES HE CAN (a song to fill our hearts with) I just wrapped up a study on Priscilla Shirer’s book, God is Able, with the ladies at my church. It was encouragement for the weary soul and excitement for a heart set on fire for Jesus. When we put all our faith, trust, and hope in God Almighty His power bursts through!! I ended the study with a song…

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Our Father’s Heart

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart HEART OF THE FATHER (a song to fill our hearts with) There’s just something special about a song that gives praise to God for who He is and all He does. These kind of songs do wonders for a heart!! They add words to the feelings we express when we worship Him. And…the Heart of the Father, by Ryan Ellis, does just that! Our Father’s heart brings life! His…

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The Cross Was Enough

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart FLAWLESS (a song to fill our hearts with) I can’t say enough about this song and the message it sends out to the world. It’s the truth we all hear, but can have a hard time coming to terms with – The cross was enough!! As I wrap up my winter studies I thought this song would be a great ending to the finding rest in God’s presence path…

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Return To Rest – Psalms 116:7

A Heart Filled With A Verse Return To Rest Bible Verse I couldn’t pick between NKJV and NLT for this verse! I like them both!! Studying them side-by-side helped me gain an even better understanding into what I needed to glean from the words found in this Psalm. Let’s check them out together!! New King James Version Insight First of all, I absolutely love the NKJV wording, “dealt bountifully“! There’s just something about the word bountiful that puts my heart…

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A Homeschool Momma Essential

A Heart Filled Homeschool REALity Chat A Homeschool Momma Essential I was blessed with mommas that helped me stay afloat along the way and I’m here to say I’d love to swim alongside you as you journey through the homeschool waters. I want you to know there will be countless times where you will rise out of the water, and all your hard work will pay off. But, because this is all about getting REAL with you, I want you…

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Drawing You In

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart PERFECTLY LOVED (a song to fill our hearts with) God loves drawing you in, into His arms of grace!! What a perfect place to find divine rest! God’s arms of grace are full of unconditional love, comfort, and peace, and this song serves as a great reminder of just how amazing that love truly is. Friends, God knows our hearts, our struggles, our battles, and He longs to draw…

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Devoted Prayer – Colossians 4:2

A Heart Filled With A Verse Devoted Prayer I love, love, love reading through Paul’s letters! They’re filled with encouragement and urge Christians to keep pressing forward. This particular verse starts out a new section in the New Living Translation (NLT) titled, “An Encouragement for Prayer”. Did you get that? He’s getting ready to encourage us – encourage us with some prayer talk. Cuz talking to God is where it’s at, friends! Let’s find out what Paul has to tell…

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Being Real

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart TRUTH BE TOLD (a song to fill our hearts with) Friends, listen to this song! Listen to EVERY SINGLE WORD Matthew West sings in this song! He nails it! The lyrics speak the uncomfortable truth about all of us. It’s so much easier to say, “I’m fine, yeah, I’m fine” versus being honest – being REAL. This song reminds us to come as we are because… God KNOWS!! He…

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