Search Results for: salvation

Jesus Is Our All In All

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart YOU ARE MY ALL IN ALL (a song to fill our hearts with) I love worship music!! It makes everything so much better when I take the time to praise my Savior and Lord. Singing praise doesn’t just happen at church…it can happen driving down the road, at home while you cook dinner, outside enjoying a hike and some fresh air, in a parking lot loading groceries into your…

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Prayer Walk: Hebrews 4:16 (Week 9)

A Heart Filled With A Verse Prayer Walk Intro (Week 9) God Almighty is seated upon the throne of grace. He is the One full of tender, loving mercy, and we CAN draw near to Him with confidence! When we do this, assurance, trust, and belief are all things gained and hope will burst through!! So… Make prayer a habit! The closer we get to Him the more we realize just how amazing, powerful, and attentive God is to all…

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God’s Timing IS Beautiful

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart YOU MAKE EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL (a song to fill our hearts with) God’s makes everything beautiful in His time, and there is a time for every purpose under Heaven!! (Ecclesiastes 3:1-15) “It is faith and faith alone that can believe things fit into a pattern for good. The human evidence points in the other direction.” -Elisabeth Elliot You Make Everything Beautiful is a song that was just released by Rebecca…

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Prayer Walk: Romans 8:26 (Week 8)

A Heart Filled With A Verse Prayer Walk Intro (Week 8) Last week I mentioned that in Romans 8:26 we’re told that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we don’t know what to pray. God’s promise that He hears us goes farther than just the words we speak aloud in our prayers. Because He is with us – abiding inside us – He knows our thoughts, our hearts, AND He knows what we need to pray even when we…

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Prayer Walk: Acts 2:42 (Week 6)

A Heart Filled With A Verse Prayer Walk Intro (Week 6) I really love the book of Acts.  I know I say this about most of the books in the Bible… It’s because the Bible is just so awesome!!! Acts is another one of those books that holds a special place in my heart!!  It’s so exciting to read.  It really pumps me up!  It begins like this… Jesus ascends into Heaven and with His ascension comes amazing, mighty, promise-keeping…

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Our Father’s Heart

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart HEART OF THE FATHER (a song to fill our hearts with) There’s just something special about a song that gives praise to God for who He is and all He does. These kind of songs do wonders for a heart!! They add words to the feelings we express when we worship Him. And…the Heart of the Father, by Ryan Ellis, does just that! Our Father’s heart brings life! His…

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The Cross Was Enough

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart FLAWLESS (a song to fill our hearts with) I can’t say enough about this song and the message it sends out to the world. It’s the truth we all hear, but can have a hard time coming to terms with – The cross was enough!! As I wrap up my winter studies I thought this song would be a great ending to the finding rest in God’s presence path…

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Found In Jesus

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart WHERE I BELONG (a song to fill our hearts with) Because of Christ’s sacrifice we become a new creation found in Him alone! Take this world and give me Jesus. By accepting the free gift of salvation the old passes away and the new comes, and with the new we gain an eternal home in glory with Jesus! This home is NOT ours, friends!! It’s a comforting truth that…

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Example Of Rest – Luke 5:16

A Heart Filled With A Verse Example of Rest The New Testament is such a treasure for the heart! It begins with a glimpse into Jesus’ life, teaching us all about His character and ways. Jesus’ life example shows us how to live while we sojourn through this world. I’m just so thankful I can learn all about Christ’s time while He walked the Earth, and so thankful He shows me the way! One way is PRAYER! Luke 5:16 is…

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A Heart Full Of Love – Romans 5:5

A Heart Filled With A Verse A Heart Full Of Love I love this Bible verse because it talks about God gracing us with the gift of the Holy Spirit. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we gain a heart full of the Holy Spirit! This is one of the best promises God blesses those that surrender their lives to Him with. We get to live, never abandoned always loved!!! When we accept the free gift of…

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