Search Results for: god's love

Renewing Scripture: The Book Of Ezekiel

(Already read the intro for my FALL RENEWING SCRIPTURE READING PLAN, and want to jump down to my renewing scripture lists found in the book of Ezekiel? CLICK HERE) FALL RENEWING SCRIPTURE READING PLAN This fall I wanted to dive into some renewing scripture, and so I decided to read through the Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. I’m on a mission to dive in deep and allow God to fill me up with ALL the encouraging and…

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Renewing Scripture: Ezekiel – Part 3

Fall is a great time to focus on renewing our hearts and minds and the Major Prophets are a great place to find some renewing scripture! The fourth of five books that make up the Major Prophets is Ezekiel. If you missed my Renewing Scripture posts for the other books make sure to check them out HERE! I’m sharing some of the renewing scripture the Holy Spirit has been stirring my heart with as I read through each of the…

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Renewing Scripture: Ezekiel – Part 2

Fall is a great time to focus on renewing our hearts and minds and the Major Prophets are a great place to find some renewing scripture! The fourth of five books that make up the Major Prophets is Ezekiel. If you missed my Renewing Scripture posts for the other books make sure to check them out HERE! I’m sharing some of the renewing scripture the Holy Spirit has been stirring my heart with as I read through each of the…

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Renewing Scripture: Ezekiel – Part 1

Fall is a great time to focus on renewing our hearts and minds and the Major Prophets are a great place to find some renewing scripture! The fourth of five books that make up the Major Prophets is Ezekiel. If you missed my Renewing Scripture posts for the other books make sure to check them out HERE! I’m sharing some of the renewing scripture the Holy Spirit has been stirring my heart with as I read through each of the…

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Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6

A Heart Filled With A Verse For Christmas Prince of Peace Oh how I love this Bible verse! It speaks volumes about Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer – THE PRINCE OF PEACE! Jesus, God in human form, came to the world as a baby boy, born of a virgin (Read Luke 1:26-37 & 2:1-20 for the full story of Jesus’ birth!), and that is why we celebrate the Christmas season. Christmas is a time to rejoice over God’s gift to…

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Renewing Scripture: The Book Of Lamentations

(Already read the intro for my FALL RENEWING SCRIPTURE READING PLAN, and want to jump down to my renewing scripture list found in the book of Lamentations? CLICK HERE) This fall I wanted to dive into some renewing scripture, and so I decided to read through the Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. I’m on a mission to dive in deep and allow God to fill me up with ALL the encouraging and strengthening words found in these…

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To Be Thankful – 1 Chronicles 16:34

A Heart Filled With A Verse To Be Thankful God gives us so much to be thankful for, all we have to do is take the time to stop and think about it. His blessings never cease because He loves us!! A heart filled with gratitude makes a world of difference, so make sure to stop and think about all the goodness He lavishes upon you and… “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures…

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Renewing Scripture: The Book Of Jeremiah

(Already read the intro for my FALL RENEWING SCRIPTURE READING PLAN, and want to jump down to my renewing scripture lists found in the book of Jeremiah? CLICK HERE) FALL RENEWING SCRIPTURE READING PLAN This fall I wanted to dive into some renewing scripture, and so I decided to read through the Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. I’m on a mission to dive in deep and allow God to fill me up with ALL the encouraging and…

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Nobody But Jesus

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart NOBODY (a song to fill our hearts with) Nobody but Jesus! He’s the Only Somebody! We are nothing without the Only Somebody – Jesus, our Redeemer! When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we become crucified with Christ. We are born again! (2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Peter 1:23) He fills us up and we become His own. With our thoughts fixed upon our Redeemer, the only thing…

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Renewing Scripture: Jeremiah – Part 3

Fall is a great time to focus on renewing our hearts and minds and the Major Prophets are a great place to find some renewing scripture! The second of five books that make up the Major Prophets is Jeremiah. If you missed my Renewing Scripture posts, for the book of Isaiah, make sure to check them out HERE! I’m sharing some of the renewing scripture the Holy Spirit has been stirring my heart with as I read through each of…

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