Peace For Our Hearts – John 14:27
A Heart Filled With A Verse
John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your HEARTS be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 (NIV)
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Peace For Our Hearts
Only through the Holy Spirit’s mighty work in our hearts can we truly experience the divine peace Jesus is talking about in this verse. Check out what my Life Application Study Bible notes have to say about this verse…
Experiencing God’s peace is AMAZING, REFRESHING, and CALMING!
My stress level can really get out of hand just with life’s norms, throw in some homeschooling, chronic illness, broken relationships, unexpected bills, life-shattering news or financial hardship and boy can those stressors really raise the roof. Can you relate?!
As life continues, one unimaginable battle at a time, I know little victories are just around the corner. When these stressors inevitably hit God’s peace floods me with an overwhelming sense of security! This security comes because the Holy Spirit is working in my heart and He wants to work in yours too! God’s blessings show up in the most unexpected of ways!
God’s peace is available to EVERY SINGLE ONE of His children!! Once you experience this peace you won’t want to let it go. FOR REALS!!! When conflict arises in your life, and you know it will, rely on the Holy Spirit’s mighty heart work in your life. Because, when you tap into God’s peace you’ll proudly be able to say <<often through tear-filled eyes>>…
“This hurts, but I know it’s gonna be ok.”
“Yeah, this is my life right now but I will get through it.”
“Wow, this wasn’t part of my plan, but God’s plans aren’t mine.”
See where I’m going with this?! God’s peace is comfort in the conflict. Like my study Bible reminded me, it’s CONFIDENT ASSURANCE IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!!
Fill Your Heart!
Friends, there is going to be conflict, hardship, and pain! We live in a fallen world FULL of it! It’s not going away. The battles we fight are not going to be easy, and they won’t just magically go away. Some of life’s problems may blow-up all at once and others may slowly build up over time, but it’s not the end because VICTORY is coming!! Walking in God’s sovereign will gives us the assurance we need to face all of our tomorrows.
God gives us peace for our hearts!!
Allow God’s peace to flood your heart!!
Walk in faith claiming His mighty promise!!
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