Psalms: Chapters 1-10

Psalms: Chapters 1-10

Psalms: Chapters 1-10

So many wonderful Bible verses can be found in the book of Psalms! Verses to meditate on, inspire and uplift a soul, and get a heart pumping full of majestic joy. AND…I wanted to share the ones that speak truth into my heart, fill me up with gladness, and keep me singing praise to the King of kings.

Although, I do highly recommend each heart take the time needed to journey through this book of the Bible on their own I pray the verses I share will be an encouragement to those that read through them! I also pray these verses I share will ignite a flame of desire in the hearts of many to open up their Bibles and fill up on the powerful words Psalms offers.

Friends, God’s Word is alive and active!!! Every bit of the Bible is useful, and it’s up to each one of us to dig in and fill up. So without further ado, it’s time to dig into Psalms: Chapters 1-10!

Psalms: Chapters 1-10

Are you ready to fill your heart with some awe-inspiring Bible verses?!? Below you’ll find 10 scripture passages found in Psalms: Chapters 1-10. I pray they help encourage and inspire you just as much as they do me!! They are verses you can rejoice in, meditate on, and praise the Lord with.

Friends, fill your heart with God’s splendor and wonder-working ways! Let the book of Psalms flood your soul. Get excited and be uplifted!!! God’s awesome, divine nature shines through in every single Psalm found in the Bible, and we have access 24/7. Filling up on God’s goodness is ours for the taking every single day we are alive, friends!!!

It’s all about A HEART FILLED! So, fill up!!!

Side Note – I’ve referenced all the verses using the NLT version, but I love exploring different translations so I encourage you to find your favorite translation for each. May you delight in your search!

(1) Psalms 1:1-2

  • This right here, friends, is the key verse for A Heart Filled Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan! We get to meditate on God’s word DAY & NIGHT!!! This is a wonderful blessing God offers to all those willing to take the time to open their Bibles and fill their hearts. Friends, there is delight in all of its grandeur. AND…this Scripture passage just keeps dishing out the greatness! It tells us what we gain when we spend genuine, heartfelt time with our Lord – JOY!! Friends, God is the source of our joy!!! Psalms 1:1-2 tells us that we can live out our days meditating on His words full of His abundant, overflowing, crazy-good JOY! Wahoo!!! Now, that’s a pretty stellar blessing the Heavenly Father bestows upon those that are faithful, those that choose Him daily, those that seek out His words of wisdom, those that flood their hearts with Scripture continuously!!

“Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.”

Psalms 1:1-2 (NLT)

(2) Psalms 2:11

  • Reverent fear is all about giving God the respect, honor, and obedience He rightly deserves. It’s when we put Him first, above all things. When we choose Him over and over and over again. I’m talking about devoted love to the Creator, Author, and Perfecter of life!!! AND…when we choose to treat Him with the highest respect we get to rejoice – rejoice with trembling!! Have you experienced this kind of rejoicing before?? It’s simply the best! It’s an excitement that you can’t contain, and you don’t want to! You just burst forth with overflowing joy and shout it out for the whole world to hear.

“Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling.”

Psalms 2:11 (NLT)

(3) Psalms 3:3

  • I can visualize what this verse talks about!! Can you? I know God’s got His shield around me, around all fellow Believers, and it’s because of this truth that His glory shines through. His glory is where its at, friends. And, it’s made possible because He’s in it with us…in fact, everything has already went through His hands and because of this we can hold our heads high. Friends, God’s will far surpasses any of our wildest dreams and this is why He is our glory!! This is why we can walk through life in confidence, because He gives us our hope, security, and power.

“But you, O Lord, are a shield around me; You are my glory, the One who holds my head high.”

Psalms 3:3 (NLT)

(4) Psalms 4:7

  • This is so, so good!! More JOY talk!! I love, love, love that God grants His children joy. I can’t even put into words what His joy is all about. It gets me through everything!! No matter the circumstances, whatever season of life I’m in…God’s joy makes a way every single day. It’s a feeling that overwhelms me, comforts me, lifts me up and helps me move along. Oh, how I pray all those that are reading this right now have a chance today to feel God’s abundant joy overflowing in and through them!

“You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine.”

Psalms 4:7 (NLT)

(5) Psalms 5:7

  • Seriously…these words!!! Oh, how they are honey to the soul! Unfailing love is what God is all about!! THIS…this is why we can stand in the deepest of awe for our Savior, Lord, and King. His love is like nothing the world can give. God’s love never fails, never stops, never ceases to amaze me.

“Because of Your unfailing love, I can enter Your house; I will worship at Your Temple with deepest awe.”

Psalms 5:7 (NLT)

(6) Psalms 6:4

  • OK…here we go again with this unfailing love talk. I’m telling you…IT’S GREAT!!! God’s wonderful, majestic, mighty, divine love is freely flowing all around. His love is a constant in the lives of those that have surrendered over to Him. Every day we are alive we get the pleasure – the blessing – of experiencing just how big and beautiful and amazing and life-altering God’s love really is. Oh, to love like Jesus, friends…oh, to love like Jesus!! There isn’t anything in this world that can compare!!

“Return, O Lord, and rescue me. Save me because of Your unfailing love.”

Psalms 6:4 (NLT)

(7) Psalms 7:17

  • A thankful heart!! Yep, we can sing the most extraordinary praises when our hearts are full of gratitude and thankfulness for our Lord Most High! Give it a try…start a list of all the things you’re thankful for and watch it multiply and grow like crazy out of control! It’s good stuff when we remind ourselves of all the little blessings God bestows upon us, and it’s just what our hearts need.

“I will thank the Lord because He is just; I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.”

Psalms 7:17 (NLT)

(8) Psalms 8:1

  • Did this one get you caught up in the lyrics of How Majestic Is Your Name, like it did me?!? Oh how I love when I’m reading the Bible and get reminded of a song I grew up on. It’s the best feeling in the world. <<and, excuse me as I break out in song real quick>> O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all of the Earth. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all of the Earth. O Lord, we praise Your name. O Lord, we magnify Your name: Prince of Peace, Mighty God; O Lord God Almighty. <<ok, I’m back>> Oh, I got it stuck in your head too?! Well, that’s exciting!! I guess my work is done then. 😉 You’re welcome!!

“O Lord, our Lord, Your majestic name fills the Earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens.”

Psalms 8:1 (NLT)

(9) Psalms 9:1-2

  • It’s contagious!!! God’s joy is contagious and all made possible because, as Believers, we have the Holy Spirit living within us. And, because of this we can’t help but tell of all the marvelous things God does for us. AND…that’s how it should be!! So, we keep spreading God’s awesomeness all around…we drop that goodness every where we go…and when we do others see!! This is what a heart filled looks like, it explodes all over the place dropping an unending glitter trail in its wake.

“I will praise You, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of You. I will sing praises to Your name, O Most High.”

Psalms 9:1-2 (NLT)

(10) Psalms 10:16

  • This verse is totally worth basking in!! Forever and ever Jesus will reign. Hallelujah! I’m just so in awe of His mighty, wonder-working ways. To know His reign was, is, and always will be is just the right dose of motivation and confidence to keep pressing forward, to keep running the race with endurance. Because, friends, God is FOREVER the King of kings!! Now, rejoice!! Shout it out for the whole world to hear. He reigns forever and ever!! Thank you, Jesus!

“The Lord is King forever and ever! The godless nations will vanish from the land.”

Psalms 10:16 (NLT)
Awe-Inspiring Scripture From Psalms Chapters 1-10

My Prayer For You…

Friends, I pray these verses will encourage, strengthen, and uplift you today!! I pray you allow the Holy Spirit to intervene in your life and show you just how amazing you are in His eyes. I pray you got filled, excited, and are able to keep the worship going strong all week long!

Open Your Bible & Fill Your Heart

The book of Psalms does wonders to a heart. If you haven’t read through it lately, or maybe you’ve never read it at all, I’m the one in the stands shouting out to you…OPEN YOUR BIBLE & FILL YOUR HEART!! Psalms is a great place to start, friends!! Whether you’re looking for a place to get started on a Bible reading journey, or just seeking out some guidance and much needed help, open up to the middle of your Bible and dig in. Psalms will stir your heart, set you straight, and brighten your day!!

Looking For Continued Inspiration?

This is just the beginning of the Awe-Inspiring Bible Verses found in the book of Psalms! CLICK HERE for the full list!

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