Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan

Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan

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The Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan is simple! Read one chapter in the morning and one chapter at night. As you get filled, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and be ready to receive the words God wants you to hear.

Focus on these four things as you read:

  • Get Filled
  • Get Personal
  • Get Relief
  • Get Uplifted

A good study Bible is a great tool to have! If you have the right one, it will help you understand more clearly what you are reading so you can fill up on every single drop of goodness! Make sure to check out my favorite study Bible post to find out which study Bible I recommend. It would make for a great Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading companion.

Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan - Rejoice

“But They


in the law of the lord,


on it




Psalm 1:2

[All scripture reference from the book of Psalms will be taken from the New Living Translation, unless otherwise noted.] 

Get Filled

Psalms is such an amazing book of the Bible. It’s like a big warm mug filled with yummy goodness found in every sip. A super-soft, oversized blanket wrapped up all snug and warm. Music that fills the air and gets a body jumping for joy. A box of tissue, a heart overwhelmed, happy dancing feet, and a loving hug all rolled into one. Get what I’m saying!?

What makes it even more amazing it that it’s filled with a ton of praise and worship, in the midst of pain and sorrow.  It’s uplifting and inspiring!  Psalms teaches us the importance of sitting with our Lord, giving Him the devoted time He deserves. It shows us how to praise God in all we do and gives us the confidence to pour out our hearts to Him.  This amazing book of the Bible reminds us to not lose sight of all our Mighty God has done for us and to continually give thanks with a grateful heart.  And…it’s worth filling our hearts with morning and night

Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan - Fill Your Heart

“The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust in Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of Thanksgiving.”

Psalm 28:7

Get Personal

Get Personal

We were made in God’s image! He KNOWS us, hears us, and understands us.  Believing this should be the key to open, genuine communication with our Creator and Heavenly Father.  To help support us, the psalmists show us how this works. By reading each chapter in Psalms we learn: they knew God personally, believed that He cared, trusted He was listening, honored Him, and gave Him all the praise He deserved. And, the best part! They shared it with the world. What a great model to follow as we open our hearts to Him! 

As you read through each chapter in the Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan make sure to let God in. Be honest. Be present.

“Your promise revives me; it comforts me, and all my troubles.” 
Psalm 119:50 

Get Relief

Getting personal leads us into the next thing we need to focus on as we spend time in Psalms. Laying our sins, worries and fears down at our Savior’s feet.  We must come to our Lord in true repentance and believe with all our heart that He forgives, cares, and will walk us through whatever we are facing.  He is our Good Shepherd!  His grace and mercy is sufficient. The psalmists had the faith and hope needed to understood this and held fast to this truth, and we can have this same assurance.

Start each reading time with a prayer, and let go of the things that weigh heavy on your heart. Trust in God’s divine nature and know He is your Deliverer.

Psalms 5:11 Bible verse - Get Relief

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever.  Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy.”  Psalm 5:11

Get Uplifted

The psalmists all dealt with life’s ups and downs.  They trudged through intense seasons of storms, dealt with despair, fell into sin, and through it all were filled with awe, devotion, and a thankful heart. They made time for worship and praise with their Heavenly Father, the one-and-only God that was, is, and always will be.  Our Redeemer!  Our Lord Almighty! 

As you fill your heart up each morning and night, make time to worship and praise Him too. Stand in awe and leap for joy!

“I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.”
Psalm 9:2

It’s time to


Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan


Psalms Bible Reading Plan

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