Refocused Purpose

Refocused Purpose

A Bible Reading Plan For The Fall

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Are you ready to jump into A Heart Filled Fall Bible Reading Plan?!

The beginning of fall is simply my favorite!! It’s a time where I get to embrace the preparations of the coming months as my heart overflows with a special warmth and joy.

Yes, fall is my favorite of all the seasons.

Friends, in my little part of the world, fall means the summer heat will be no more. Can I get an AMEN?!? Fall leads way to an abundant amount of pumpkin spice everything, falling leaves, and soft, cozy blankets!! It’s a time of the year where the glow of the autumn foliage reminds me that renewal is part of the journey.

So, as we watch the summer leaves fade into crisp golden hues may we see these changes and be reminded that God has everything under control!! And then, let’s do something with this reminder!!

Yep, you know what I mean!

Let’s open our Bibles and allow our hearts the time needed to reconnect with our Heavenly Father.

Because, sweater weather is the perfect time to renew our minds with God’s Word!

Refocused Purpose – A Bible Reading Plan For The Fall

I’m so excited to be sharing this Bible Reading Plan with all my readers!

Let’s look at what it’s all about…

Refocused Purpose – A Bible Reading Plan For The Fall – allows readers to dive into both the books of Esther and Proverbs!! Weaving these two books of the Bible together into one Bible Reading Plan does wonders for the heart!!

It’s a Bible Reading Plan that’s designed to help refocus our attention on God’s ways, purpose, and wisdom.


The book of Esther is just ten chapters long, but it’s packed full of drama! In fact, it’s the kind of true-life drama we can all learn a thing or two from each and every time we read through it. I mean after all it made it’s way into the pages of the Bible for a reason, right?! And the reason, well, it’s a good one!!

The story of Esther is seriously what movies are made of. God really does know how to grab our attention, doesn’t He?! His plans, His purpose, it’s all been predestined long before any of our stories unravel. When you open your Bible to the book of Esther you see God working behind the scenes with each page turn!! As you read through each chapter His plan boldly become known. It’s a story packed with intense drama, clever planning, and heroic bravery!

Esther’s story teaches us all the importance of trusting in the One who’s working behind the scenes. When we put our trust in God, believing He is the one who set the stage and chose us to act out the part, well, that’s all a heart really needs to know to be committed and step out in faith.

So, as you open your Bible and read the words found in the book of Esther BE READY, BE WILLING, BE FAITHFUL!


The book of Esther alone would be enough, but then there’s always more to glean from the pages of Scripture and that’s where Proverbs comes into play! Proverbs is the book packed full of wisdom. It’s the book we turn to and read all about how to gain such wisdom. And, as we read through it we learn how to live a life worthy of our calling.

It’s in these pages of the Bible we learn how we can live out the lessons the book of Esther teaches us. Esther shows us God is in control, and all we need to do is be committed! Proverbs then teaches us how we can take the lessons learned and live out a life boldly for Christ – just like Esther and Mordecai did!

When we read through Proverbs we learn, we grow, and we gain confident wisdom! The wisdom needed to attain such focus, commitment, courage, careful thinking, and the willingness to act – just like Esther!

The Bible Reading Plan Details

We read the Bible to KNOW GOD! And, that’s just what Refocused Purpose – A Bible Reading Plan For The Fall is all about!

Refocused Purpose is a 10-week Bible Reading Plan that focuses in on two books of the Bible. Each week there is one chapter to be read in Esther and then 3 chapters to fill up on in Proverbs. My thoughts when I set up this Bible Reading Plan were simple. Read how God works behind the scenes in the lives of those who are faithful – Esther and Mordecai – and then back that amazing, wonderful truth up in Proverbs as we learn how to apply the same wisdom to our own lives!!

It’s refocused purpose, friends!!

This Bible Reading Plan not only gives readers an opportunity to dive into two great books of the Bible, but it gives readers an opportunity to grow closer to God! It’s a renewing Bible Reading Plan that’s meant to help us refocus on the new season ahead. A time to rekindle our trust in the Lord and gain the wisdom needed to keep walking close beside Him.

As you make your way through the book of Esther look for God and His miracle-working ways. Watch Him unfold His divine plans for Esther and Mordecai’s lives right before your very eyes. Be amazed and encouraged!! AND THEN, as you dive into Proverbs, open up your heart and allow God to work the scene and accomplish His work inside you.




Friends, when we walk closely beside our Savior, we gain the wisdom, courage, and strength to live out what God teaches us in His Word!


Refocused Purpose – A Bible Reading Plan For The Fall gives readers some wiggle room to work the reading schedule out however they like, throughout each week. However, studies show that if you take the time to read the Bible at least four days a week you’ll notice the biggest difference. I can testify to what it does in my own life, and, friends, it’s so worth it!! So, as you start this plan I encourage you to spread the weekly chapters out and make sure you’re opening up your Bible at least four days each week – if not, MORE!

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT – Each week, through the 2024 Fall Season, I’ll be posting weekly study material for the plan! Make sure to check back at the end of each week! If you are interested in receiving email notifications on when these new posts drop SUBSCRIBE below!

Extra Bible Reading Resource Recommendations

Wanna really go deep with this Bible Reading plan?!? I recommend getting your hands on a good study Bible – it’s a great tool to have! If you have the right one, it will help you understand more clearly what you are reading so you can fill up on every single drop of goodness! Make sure to check out my favorite study Bible post to find out which study Bible I recommend. It’s a great help when making your way through the pages of God’s Word. And, don’t forget your HIGHLIGHTERS & a journal! It’s great practice to jot down all the things the Holy Spirit stirs your heart with while you read God’s Word.

Looking For More Renewal This Fall?

If you’re looking for MORE renewal this fall, A Heart Filled Renewing Scripture With the Major Prophets is a great place to look! Here’s a quick glimpse…



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It’s time to


Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan


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