Refocused Purpose Week 6
Refocused Purpose Week 6: Esther 6 & Proverbs 16-18
A Heart Filled Fall Bible Reading Plan
I’m so excited to be sharing this Bible Reading Plan with all my readers!
Let’s look at what it’s all about…
Refocused Purpose – A Bible Reading Plan For The Fall – allows readers to dive into both the books of Esther and Proverbs!! Weaving these two books of the Bible together into one Bible Reading Plan does wonders for the heart!!
It’s a Bible Reading Plan that’s designed to help refocus our attention on God’s ways, purpose, and wisdom.
Below I’ve broken the study material down into three sections: one for the book of Esther, one for the book of Proverbs, and one for the treasures found in Proverbs. You can jump ahead to a specific section by clicking on the following links:
Week 6 Key Verse
Esther – Chapter 6 (Scene 6)
Setting: The King’s Quarters
Time: Reign of King Xerxes, around 473 BC
In chapter 6 we read that King Xerxes can’t sleep and asks that the records of his reign be read to him.
Just another God move!
This interesting bedtime story request was just what was needed to open the door for the next part of the story!
And, to wrap things up for this chapter the rightful hero is honored and more rage is added to the fuel of an unstable anger.
Facts gathered from Esther chapter 6…
What we learn in Esther chapter 6…
Check out how God works!!
I cannot say this enough!! God is ALWAYS working behind the scenes, friends!! This truth is proven again and again with each chapter in the book of Esther. AND…God’s “behind the scenes” work is where it’s at!!! Every single detail in this story has been played out according to God’s will. I can’t help but wonder what Mordecai was thinking when Haman came out and proceeded to lead him through the town square as he honored him in such an extravagant and over-the-top kind of way.
Oh, how the tables were turning! AND, it’s all because of God’s work behind the scenes!
Proverbs – Chapters 16-18
This week’s chapters fall hard on the fact that God is in control! For we, mere mortals, can only see a teeny tiny glimpse into the future, but God sees it all, knows it all, and is the One who holds it all together! He is the One who is orchestrating every single detail according to His plan. It’s when life seems so far out of reach, so far out of our control, so far out of the way we had hoped it would go that He shows up and sets the record straight!!
Friends, God is in control!!
Can you see this truth clearly? How about after you read through this week’s chapter in Esther? Could you see God’s divine hands reaching down and setting up the stage according to this truth? Here we are halfway through the book of Esther and the plans of the wicked keep poking through, but God’s got other things in store for the ending and because of the faithful few He’s gonna keep showing up in crazy, big ways!! Don’t you just love how our Creator works?!?
Where’s your heart?
I just love how my heart gets all pumped up talking about God’s wonder-working ways!! How about you? There’s just something about knowing God’s in control!!
Knowing that His plans are bigger than ours and believing He’s working it all out according to His will is all our hearts really need to know! Friends, it’s faith in the One who holds it all together. It’s trust in the One who’s plans far exceed anything we could ever dream up on our own. It’s a heart filled with devotion to His words, His love, His very being!
When we take the time to work on our hearts we fill up with more than we could ever imagine. We gain every time we open our Bibles! Friends, the Creator of our hearts knows what we need to prosper, and His joy is MORE than we could ever imagine!! It’s in this place, side-by-side our Lord and Savior, that our hearts thrive! So, make sure to open up your Bible, listen to His instructions, and fill your heart!
He knows where each and every one of our hearts truly are!
And, not only that but…
He wants to keep working on our hearts!
To keep refining them!
Where’s your commitments?
Did you catch what the Lord did for Mordecai in this week’s chapter? In His timing, for His purpose, Mordecai received recognition for a good deed done 5 years prior!! Friends, it took the king FIVE YEARS to recognize Mordecai for saving his life. C-R-A-Z-Y?? Not really, because God was working the scene, and now as we make our way through chapter 6, some 5 years later, we see NOW is the right time for Mordecai to be honored.
I’d like to think Mordecai’s commitment to his Heavenly Father made this all possible. How about you?!?
Proverbs 17:24 makes me think of Mordecai. He lived a life worthy of God’s calling. He did what needed to be done because he was committed to God. His eyes were “glued on wisdom“. If you notice all throughout the book of Esther, he never asked for anything in return. He acted selflessly for the sake of those around him. He never expected recognition from the king, yet in God’s timing the king made it known to all those around that Mordecai was a hero!
Not something Mordecai was expecting at all!!
(AND, definitely NOT in “Haman fashion“…eyes wandering to the ends of the Earth!!)
Friends, God is near and will show up in big and mighty ways! All He asks is our hearts be ready and willing. He seeks out those who are committed. Those who have entrusted it all into His hands!!
Mordecai led a life fully committed to God, and in turn passed this beautiful, godly trait on to the next generation. He led by example! His goals were aligned with God’s goals and therefore he was the person God needed him to be. Not only that, but because his life reflected what he believed Esther was able to continually step out in faith being the person God needed her to be!
WOW!! What a beautiful example for us all!!
Precious Gems Found In Proverbs
Each week I’m going to include treasure gleaned from the chapters read in Proverbs that help to beef up the lessons learned in the book of Esther. The following are found in Proverbs chapters 16-18!
Sit with them, study them, and store them in your heart!
WOW!!! Proverbs is packed full of treasures just waiting to be found!!
Listed above are only the ones that tie in with the lessons learned for this particular Bible Reading Plan. More can be found if you open your Bible and fill your heart with Proverbs 15-18. So, what are you waiting for?!? Open up your Bible and keep digging!
Know God
When we seek to know God, we grow closer to Him. The closer we get to Jesus the more we see Him and His work in and around us. With this closeness we begin to understand that His timing is perfection and slowly learn to embrace it. And it’s with this kind of “know God” lifestyle we begin to really live!!
Remember, the words we read in the Bible are words straight from God’s mouth. He speaks to us, friends!! How exciting!! He speaks truth straight to our hearts every single time we open our Bibles up!! AND…the words found in Proverbs help us gain the wisdom needed to know God! The gems I’ve added to the list above are included in His Word to help guide us as we make our way through life, side-by-side our Savior and Lord.
Looking Ahead…
As we continue to make our way through the book of Esther we’ll get to continually see how God works in the lives of those who are ready, willing, and committed. These are the kinds of examples worth imitating as we seek out our own refocused purpose. So, embrace the time you spend reading through this Bible Reading Plan. Make it count! Quality over quantity, friends!!!
As you read through each chapter, ask God to renew your mind and help you to know and understand Him more and more each day. Friends, allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through you as you make your way through your own refocused purpose!
Is this your first stop here at A Heart Filled? Want to learn more about the Refocused Purpose Bible Reading Plan, including the reading schedule? Keep scrolling!
The Full Bible Reading Plan Details
We read the Bible to KNOW GOD! And, that’s just what Refocused Purpose – A Bible Reading Plan For The Fall is all about!
Refocused Purpose is a 10-week Bible Reading Plan that focuses in on two books of the Bible. Each week there is one chapter to be read in Esther and then 3 chapters to fill up on in Proverbs. My thoughts when I set up this Bible Reading Plan were simple. Read how God works behind the scenes in the lives of those who are faithful – Esther and Mordecai – and then back that amazing, wonderful truth up in Proverbs as we learn how to apply the same wisdom to our own lives!!
It’s refocused purpose, friends!!
This Bible Reading Plan not only gives readers an opportunity to dive into two great books of the Bible, but it gives readers an opportunity to grow closer to God! It’s a renewing Bible Reading Plan that’s meant to help us refocus on the new season ahead. A time to rekindle our trust in the Lord and gain the wisdom needed to keep walking close beside Him.
As you make your way through the book of Esther look for God and His miracle-working ways. Watch Him unfold His divine plans for Esther and Mordecai’s lives right before your very eyes. Be amazed and encouraged!! AND THEN, as you dive into Proverbs, open up your heart and allow God to work the scene and accomplish His work inside you.
Friends, when we walk closely beside our Savior, we gain the wisdom, courage, and strength to live out what God teaches us in His Word!
Refocused Purpose Reading Plan Schedule
Refocused Purpose – A Bible Reading Plan For The Fall gives readers some wiggle room to work the reading schedule out however they like, throughout each week. However, studies show that if you take the time to read the Bible at least four days a week you’ll notice the biggest difference. I can testify to what it does in my own life, and, friends, it’s so worth it!! So, as you start this plan I encourage you to spread the weekly chapters out and make sure you’re opening up your Bible at least four days each week – if not, MORE!
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT – Each week, through the 2024 Fall Season, I’ll be posting weekly study material for the plan! Make sure to check back at the end of each week! AND…if you are interested in receiving email notifications on when these new posts drop SUBSCRIBE below!
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Extra Bible Reading Resource Recommendations
Looking For More Renewal This Fall?
If you’re looking for MORE renewal this fall, A Heart Filled Renewing Scripture With the Major Prophets is a great place to look! Here’s a quick glimpse…
Inside the pages of the Major Prophets hearts are able to fill up on a tremendous amount of renewing Scripture. These five books of the Bible do not disappoint!! There is so much wisdom and guidance to glean from these books of the Bible. As you make your way through these intense, powerful books of the Bible you’ll have the opportunity to focus in on some bold, revitalizing truth. The kind of truth that a heart needs to hear. The kind that hits hard, seeps down deep, and really helps to get a willing heart back on track! It’s Scripture worth repeating often! For more info CLICK HERE!
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