Rest With The Gospels Winter Bible Reading Plan

Rest With The Gospels Winter Bible Reading Plan

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A Bible Reading Plan for after the holidays!

I like to think winter is a time for rest, so why not dig into some Gospel Truth after the holidays simmer down?! Rest With The Gospels Winter Bible Reading Plan is where it’s at, friends! We’ll sit at Jesus’ feet and fill our hearts with all the goodness He spread around when He came to Earth as God in flesh.

What’s the commitment? Only 8* chapters per week!

What’s the benefit? Priceless time spent with your Savior!

(*In order to get the reading plan wrapped up in 12 weeks, 8 chapters are read the first 5 weeks of the plan and then the remaining 7 weeks are 1 chapter per day. If you’d like to just read 1 chapter a day throughout the whole reading plan it will just take an extra week (5 days actually). Either way you’re still filling your heart with the stories of Jesus, so work it the way it’s best for you. AND….enjoy the rest along the way! UPDATE – I’ve included both a 12 wk and 13 wk reading plan below. Wanna jump down to the reading plan schedule? CLICK HERE)

As we fill our hearts with some good ole Gospel truth, let’s allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. Be ready to receive the words God wants you to hear, friends! Make sure to…

Rest With The Gospels Winter Bible Reading Plan
  • Rest in Jesus’ arms!
  • Meditate on all you read!
  • Apply the truth to your life!

Wanna really go deep with this Bible Reading plan?!? I recommend getting your hands on a good study Bible – it’s a great tool to have! If you have the right one, it will help you understand more clearly what you are reading so you can fill up on every single drop of goodness! Make sure to check out my favorite study Bible post to find out which study Bible I recommend. It’s a great help when making your way through the pages of God’s Word. And, don’t forget your HIGHLIGHTERS & a journal! It’s great practice to jot down all the things the Holy Spirit stirs your heart with while you read God’s Word.

The Gospels In A Nutshell

The Gospels make up the first four books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They lay out the story of Jesus’ life while on earth. We learn about Jesus’ ministry, the parables He taught, and all the miraculous healings He performed. It’s in these four books that we also learn about Jesus’ disciples, gain insight into His Eternal Kingdom, and hear first-hand accounts about His death and resurrection.

Jesus is…

The Lamb of God!

Our King!

The Savior!

Lord, God Almighty!

The four Gospels are full of love and hope. They point us straight to our One and Only Deliverer! They showcase all the amazing things Immanuel has done and is still doing, and that’s why I’m thinking digging into these right after the holidays is such a great idea. Our bodies long for some peaceful rest after the holidays, and the Gospels give us a chance to pause and relish in all the goodness the Bread of Life has to offer!

The New Testament is a great place to start a Bible reading habit! So, what are you waiting for? Open up your Bible and let’s dig in!



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It’s time to


Psalms Morning & Night Bible Reading Plan


I’ve included 2 reading plans below, because I LOVE options!!

The first plan is the original completed in 12 weeks. The first 5 weeks of this plan include 8 chapters per week, and the remaining 7 weeks include 7 chapters per week. If you prefer to focus on 1 chapter per week, check out the 13 week option. Either option makes for a great way to fill your heart up with all the Gospel goodness, and a great way to get in the habit of reading your Bible!!

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