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Tag: book of Daniel

Renewing Scripture: The Book Of Daniel

Renewing Scripture: The Book Of Daniel

(Already read the intro for my FALL RENEWING SCRIPTURE READING PLAN, and want to jump down to my renewing scripture list found in the book of Lamentations? CLICK HERE) This fall I wanted to dive into some renewing scripture, and so I decided to read through the Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. I’m on a mission to dive in deep and allow God to fill me up with ALL the encouraging and strengthening words found in these…

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Renewing Scripture: Daniel – Part 2

Renewing Scripture: Daniel – Part 2

Let’s revive our hearts and minds with some renewing scripture found in the Major Prophets! Daniel is the last book in the Major Prophets section of the Old Testament. If you missed my Renewing Scripture posts for the other books make sure to check them out HERE! The book of Daniel shows us just how much God works in and through those that walk faithfully by His side. God is sovereign over everything, and because of this I rejoice. The…

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Renewing Scripture: Daniel – Part 1

Renewing Scripture: Daniel – Part 1

Let’s revive our hearts and minds with some renewing scripture found in the Major Prophets! Daniel is the last book in the Major Prophets section of the Old Testament. If you missed my Renewing Scripture posts for the other books make sure to check them out HERE! The book of Daniel shows us just how much God works in and through those that walk faithfully by His side. God is sovereign over everything, and because of this I rejoice. The…

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