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Tag: book of Romans

All the goodness found in the book of Romans!  Open your Bible & Fill your Heart!  Find encouragement at

Prayer Walk: Romans 8:26 (Week 8)

Prayer Walk: Romans 8:26 (Week 8)

A Heart Filled With A Verse Prayer Walk Intro (Week 8) Last week I mentioned that in Romans 8:26 we’re told that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we don’t know what to pray. God’s promise that He hears us goes farther than just the words we speak aloud in our prayers. Because He is with us – abiding inside us – He knows our thoughts, our hearts, AND He knows what we need to pray even when we…

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Hope Found In God

Hope Found In God

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart SYMPHONY (a song to fill our hearts with) I just want to give a shout out to the writers, singers, composers – everyone involved in making the song, Symphony, come to life. This song came out in 2019 and has had me turn up the volume millions of times in my home and on the road since. Well, maybe not millions…but close to it!! I love everything about this…

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Found In Jesus

Found In Jesus

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart WHERE I BELONG (a song to fill our hearts with) Because of Christ’s sacrifice we become a new creation found in Him alone! Take this world and give me Jesus. By accepting the free gift of salvation the old passes away and the new comes, and with the new we gain an eternal home in glory with Jesus! This home is NOT ours, friends!! It’s a comforting truth that…

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A Heart Full Of Love – Romans 5:5

A Heart Full Of Love – Romans 5:5

A Heart Filled With A Verse A Heart Full Of Love I love this Bible verse because it talks about God gracing us with the gift of the Holy Spirit. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we gain a heart full of the Holy Spirit! This is one of the best promises God blesses those that surrender their lives to Him with. We get to live, never abandoned always loved!!! When we accept the free gift of…

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A Mind Renewed – Romans 12:1-2

A Mind Renewed – Romans 12:1-2

A Heart Filled With A Verse A Mind Renewed In Romans 12:1-2 Paul’s letting us in on a little secret, that’s not so secret – God renews us! It’s up to us though. We can choose to allow the Holy Spirit to renew and redirect our hearts and souls – or not! With a mind renewed we can live a life that honors our Heavenly Father. It’s all about walking the walk, friends. Being firmly planted in our faith and…

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Live Out Love – Romans 12:9

Live Out Love – Romans 12:9

A Heart Filled With A Verse For the full context of this Bible verse read the whole section in Romans. Romans 12:9-21 “9Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice…

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