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Tag: John 3:16

Our Father’s Heart

Our Father’s Heart

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart HEART OF THE FATHER (a song to fill our hearts with) There’s just something special about a song that gives praise to God for who He is and all He does. These kind of songs do wonders for a heart!! They add words to the feelings we express when we worship Him. And…the Heart of the Father, by Ryan Ellis, does just that! Our Father’s heart brings life! His…

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The Cross Was Enough

The Cross Was Enough

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart FLAWLESS (a song to fill our hearts with) I can’t say enough about this song and the message it sends out to the world. It’s the truth we all hear, but can have a hard time coming to terms with – The cross was enough!! As I wrap up my winter studies I thought this song would be a great ending to the finding rest in God’s presence path…

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Eternal Rest – Hebrews 4:3

Eternal Rest – Hebrews 4:3

A Heart Filled With A Verse Eternal Rest In my Life Application Study Bible, chapter 4 of Hebrews is titled “Promised Rest for God’s People”. It’s a short chapter with only 16 verses, so I encourage you to stop real quick and read through the chapter before continuing with this devotion. Besides the key verse for this devotion (Hebrews 4:3), some of the other verses that stand out to me when I read through this chapter are: “God’s promise of…

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Found In Jesus

Found In Jesus

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart WHERE I BELONG (a song to fill our hearts with) Because of Christ’s sacrifice we become a new creation found in Him alone! Take this world and give me Jesus. By accepting the free gift of salvation the old passes away and the new comes, and with the new we gain an eternal home in glory with Jesus! This home is NOT ours, friends!! It’s a comforting truth that…

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Joy To The World

Joy To The World

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart JOY TO THE WORLD (a song to fill our hearts with) “He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the throne of His ancestor David. And He will reign over Israel forever; His Kingdom will never end!” Luke 1:32-33 (NLT) Let Earth receive her King! Joy to the World is a song that’s been around for…

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God Loves Us – John 3:16

God Loves Us – John 3:16

“Think of this — we may live together with Him here and now, a daily walking with Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.” Elisabeth Elliot The Bible is full of God’s encouraging promises. Let’s take a peek at how GOD PROMISES TO LOVE US! God’s love is HUGE! Have you ever heard of the song, “O How He Loves You and Me”? It’s a hymn that was written back in the 70s, by Kurt Kaiser. It’s a…

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