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Tag: peace

Psalms: Chapters 31-40

Psalms: Chapters 31-40

(To head straight to the verses found in these chapters CLICK HERE!) So many wonderful Bible verses can be found in the book of Psalms! Verses to meditate on, inspire and uplift a soul, and totally get a heart pumping full of majestic joy. AND…I wanted to share the ones that speak truth into my heart, fill me up with gladness, and keep me singing praise to the King of kings. Although, I do highly recommend each heart take the…

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Eternal Rest – Hebrews 4:3

Eternal Rest – Hebrews 4:3

A Heart Filled With A Verse Eternal Rest In my Life Application Study Bible, chapter 4 of Hebrews is titled “Promised Rest for God’s People”. It’s a short chapter with only 16 verses, so I encourage you to stop real quick and read through the chapter before continuing with this devotion. Besides the key verse for this devotion (Hebrews 4:3), some of the other verses that stand out to me when I read through this chapter are: “God’s promise of…

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Hope Found In God

Hope Found In God

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart SYMPHONY (a song to fill our hearts with) I just want to give a shout out to the writers, singers, composers – everyone involved in making the song, Symphony, come to life. This song came out in 2019 and has had me turn up the volume millions of times in my home and on the road since. Well, maybe not millions…but close to it!! I love everything about this…

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Peace Leads To Rest – John 14:27

Peace Leads To Rest – John 14:27

A Heart Filled With A Verse Peace Leads To Rest Oh my!! I cannot get enough of this Bible verse!! “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27 (NLT) Friends, our Heavenly Father’s gifts are simply the best!! I’m over-the-moon thankful for the peace that only God can supply me with. A Gift of Peace…

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Rest With Jesus Moment – Psalm 62:5-8

Rest With Jesus Moment – Psalm 62:5-8

A Heart Filled With A Verse A Rest With Jesus Moment In Psalms 62 David shares with us a great example of a rest with Jesus moment that’s totally worth checking out. “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at…

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Peace For Our Hearts – John 14:27

Peace For Our Hearts – John 14:27

A Heart Filled With A Verse Peace For Our Hearts Only through the Holy Spirit’s mighty work in our hearts can we truly experience the divine peace Jesus is talking about in this verse.  Check out what my Life Application Study Bible notes have to say about this verse…  “The end result of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives is deep and lasting peace.  Unlike worldly peace, which is usually defined as the absence of conflict, this (GOD’S) peace…

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Tears Lead To Joy – Psalms 126:5

Tears Lead To Joy – Psalms 126:5

A Heart Filled With A Verse Tears Lead to Joy! I was recently reminded of this verse in a season of overflowing tears. Oh, how my momma heart ached and the tears just kept coming. I LOVE how God speaks to me, and this was one of those times He came in like a soothing gush of wind and stirred my soul. It hurts to see a loved one hurting and sometimes a good cry is the best medicine. I…

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Lean on Jesus – Matthew 11:28

Lean on Jesus – Matthew 11:28

A Heart Filled With A Verse Lean on Jesus Jesus speaks these words found in Matthew 11:28. He goes on in verses 29 & 30 to say, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” THIS IS COMFORT!!! Life can really wear a person down. Burdens can weigh heavy on the soul. Rest…

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