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Tag: trust

A Great Frog Reminder

A Great Frog Reminder

Homeschool Resources For A Great Frog Reminder Coloring Bible Adventure F.R.O.G. Stands For Forever Rely On God My mom first introduced me to this acronym! Thank you, mom!!! Love you lots!! You wanna know one of the best things about this acronym?! It’s simple enough to teach to the youngest of hearts! So, I knew this would have to be the first Coloring Bible Adventure Book I wrote/designed for kids! Also, who doesn’t love a frog?!? You know…the kind you…

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Mighty Power

Mighty Power

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart YES HE CAN (a song to fill our hearts with) I just wrapped up a study on Priscilla Shirer’s book, God is Able, with the ladies at my church. It was encouragement for the weary soul and excitement for a heart set on fire for Jesus. When we put all our faith, trust, and hope in God Almighty His power bursts through!! I ended the study with a song…

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Prayer Walk: Romans 8:26 (Week 8)

Prayer Walk: Romans 8:26 (Week 8)

A Heart Filled With A Verse Prayer Walk Intro (Week 8) Last week I mentioned that in Romans 8:26 we’re told that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we don’t know what to pray. God’s promise that He hears us goes farther than just the words we speak aloud in our prayers. Because He is with us – abiding inside us – He knows our thoughts, our hearts, AND He knows what we need to pray even when we…

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Trust In The Lord – Proverbs 16:20

Trust In The Lord – Proverbs 16:20

A Heart Filled With A Verse Trust In The Lord As I was studying this Bible verse I noticed each translation gives a little more insight. Check this out! HOW AWESOME IS THE BIBLE!?! So after checking out the different translations I came to this conclusion: I need to make sure I’m LISTENING, UNDERSTANDING, and THINKING about God’s Word often! Daily! ALL the time! And when I make this conscience effort and allow the Lord to guide and direct me…

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How Sweet

How Sweet

A Heart Filled With A Song A Song In Our Heart HONEY IN THE ROCK (a song to fill our hearts with) If you haven’t had a chance to hear this song yet, make sure to click on the song title and crank it up. There’s honey in the rock. It’s SO SWEET to trust in Jesus! Have you tasted it? Experiencing God’s sweetness is what this song is all about. No matter the wilderness we are trudging through our…

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