To Be Thankful – 1 Chronicles 16:34

To Be Thankful – 1 Chronicles 16:34

A Heart Filled With A Verse

To Be Thankful - A Heart Filled With A Bible Verse

1 Chronicles 16:34

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34 (NLT)

To Be Thankful

God gives us so much to be thankful for, all we have to do is take the time to stop and think about it. His blessings never cease because He loves us!!

A heart filled with gratitude makes a world of difference, so make sure to stop and think about all the goodness He lavishes upon you and…

Did you know this verse is repeated numerous times throughout the Bible? It’s amazing and I want to share one of them with you! PSALMS 136 is FILLED to the brim with this message!!! It also makes a great “I’m thankful for” starter list. Check it out!

Psalms 136

1)Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

His faithful love endures forever.

2)Give thanks to the God of gods.

His faithful love endures forever.

3)Give thanks to the Lord of lords.

His faithful love endures forever.

4)Give thanks to Him who alone does mighty miracles.

His faithful love endures forever.

5)Give thanks to Him who made the heavens so skillfully.

His faithful love endures forever.

6)Give thanks to Him who placed the earth among the waters.

His faithful love endures forever.

7)Give thanks to Him who made the heavenly lights

His faithful love endures forever.

8)the sun to rule the day,

His faithful love endures forever.

9)and the moon and stars to rule the night.

His faithful love endures forever.

(VERSES 10-24 talks about God’s strong, powerful arm and the mighty miracles He performed as He led His people out of Egypt. Other things mentioned are God remembering His people, protecting His people, and saving His people. These are also great examples of the many things we too can be thankful for!)

25)He gives food to every living thing.

His faithful love endures forever.

26)Give thanks to the God of heaven.

His faithful love endures forever.

See what I mean?!? A great starter list! So, if you don’t know where to start pray through Psalms 136.

God IS so good! His love overflows and never ends.

Take time to memorize 1 Chronicles 16:34 this week, and put it into practice. There’s always something we can thank God for! Allow Psalms 136 to be your inspiration and make a list. Then, take time each and every day to shoot some arrow prayers up letting God know just how thankful you really are.

I’m filling my heart with gladness, because God blesses me with:

  • His Love & Forgiveness
  • The Bible & Bible Study Tools
  • A Hard-Working Husband
  • Many Seasons of Motherhood
  • Caring Family & Friends
  • A Warm & Welcoming Church
  • The Promise of Heaven
  • Food & Clothes
  • Opportunities to Help Others
  • Late Night Chats with my Teens
  • Sunrises & Sunsets
  • Laughter
  • Chocolate
  • Cozy Blankets & Warm Mugs
  • Art
  • Cherished Homeschooling Memories
  • Fall Colors
  • Puppy Snuggles
  • Coffee
  • Autumn’s Crisp Air
  • Hugs
  • Lessons Learned
  • Sunshine
  • Rainbows Full of ALL His Promises
  • The Stars Glittering in the Sky
  • Waterfalls
  • Music
  • Fluffy Clouds
  • Quiet Mornings
  • Rainy Days
  • Rest
  • Books
  • Butterflies
  • Candles
  • Snowflakes
  • Pumpkin Spice & Peppermint Everything
To Be Thankful - A Heart Filled With A Bible Verse

AND…the list goes on and on – A HEART FILLED! Thank you, God!

Oh how I pray those reading this will be inspired to make their own thankfulness list and include all the little things that make up their days. Because it’s all the little things in life that show off just how grand our God is and just how filled our hearts truly are!

Know you are loved, friends.

Forever Rely On God!

References: Psalms 136 NLT,, YouVersion app

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