Prayer Walk: Romans 12:12 (Week 1)
A Heart Filled With A Verse
Romans 12:12
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12 (NIV)
Prayer Walk Intro (Week 1)
If you’ve been around here for a while, you know A Heart Filled is here to help encourage everyone to open up their Bibles and fill their hearts. Friends, it starts with us wanting to dive in!! Whether it be a person seeking out the truth for the very first time, or a seasoned Believer who digs in regularly, there’s always MORE to learn, MORE to glean from – MORE to fill a heart with!!
The Bible is full of wisdom, guidance, and instruction. It’s God-breathed, alive and active, and it’s shaping hearts all over the world!! (Hebrews 4:12) But, how do we really dig in deep?? How can we fill our hearts to the fullest??
As we pray, we ask God to show us all He wants us to see. This means praying with a sincere, willing, eager heart. And coupled with the belief that God will light the way, we allow Him to fill us up with those things He wants us to hear, learn, store in our hearts, and live by daily.
Strengthening our prayer walk does wonders for our soul! We need to BE FAITHFUL in this area of our lives, like Paul mentions in Romans 12:12. Are you ready to build a prayer walk that continues growing stronger and stronger as the days go by?!? I encourage you to stick around, as I’ll be exploring Scripture that helps me – and, hopefully, you too – stick with it!
Prayer Walk: Romans 12:12 (Week 1)
I’m absolutely in love with the book of Romans! Paul fills the pages of this book with his testimony, offering guidance for fellow Believers, as well as those seeking out the Good News for the first time!! It’s a beautiful book that stirs the heart. In chapter 12 I find the first Bible verse I want to pour into my heart as I strive for a stronger, more faithful, prayer life.
Paul knew a faithful prayer walk was important, and he wrote about it so we could be reminded of this truth every time we read this verse. Romans 12:12 is a Bible verse we need to remember as we strive to deepen our prayer walk with the Lord! So, write it out! Memorize it! Come back to it often!
Faithful In Prayer
Faithful, according to the Merriam Dictionary, means: steadfast, firm, constant, devoted, dedicated, and loyal. THIS is the kind of prayer life I’m seeking after. Yes, I have room for improvement! Don’t we all?
It’s a walk that only grows stronger as we become MORE steadfast, MORE dedicated, MORE in tune with our personal relationship we have with God.
Get what I’m saying?!?
It can be hard to stick with it, especially when “life” gets in the way. So, as we set out on making prayer MORE of a priority in our lives we have to make sure it comes first – BEFORE “life”. Because, God IS the reason for life!!! So, this might mean waking up earlier, not turning on all of life’s distractions first thing, seeking out a quiet place away from the noise, or even staying up after everyone else is in bed.
Everyone’s lives skip to a different beat, but time with God should make the very top of the list.
Let’s be faithful in prayer!
Friends, God offers open communication for a reason! As we become more and more faithful in this area of our life, our walk will become stronger and stronger!!! AND…we’ll find that the time was there all along; that it’s actually just a matter of choice, loyalty, and devotion. Remember, prayer is simply a conversation with the most important One in our lives. It’s essential when it comes to our walk with the Lord! So, let’s show up, be present, and be faithful!!
Forever Rely On God
Wanna keep exploring this topic?!?
Make sure to come back next week for another Bible verse devotion that’ll help encourage your prayer walk with the Lord!
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